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What You Need to Know About Product Design in China

When it comes to product design, China has emerged as a global leader, offering innovative solutions and unparalleled manufacturing capabilities. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to launch a new product or a business aiming to expand into new markets, understanding the intricacies of product design in China is crucial.

In this article, we will explore the essential aspects of product design in China, shedding light on its benefits, challenges, and market trends. So, let’s dive in and unlock the potential that Chinese product design holds for your business.

The Importance of Product Design in China

Product design plays a pivotal role in the success of any business, and China has become a hub for innovative design solutions. With its vast pool of talented designers and cutting-edge technology, China offers businesses a competitive edge in the global market.

Effective product design enables companies to differentiate themselves, create appealing products, and meet the ever-evolving needs of consumers.

Embracing Innovation and Efficiency

China’s product design landscape is characterized by its commitment to innovation and efficiency. Chinese designers leverage advanced technologies and embrace novel ideas to create groundbreaking products.

By collaborating with Chinese design firms, businesses gain access to fresh perspectives, out-of-the-box thinking, and streamlined design processes, leading to faster time-to-market and enhanced competitiveness.

Understanding the Chinese Consumer

To succeed in China’s vast and diverse market, understanding the preferences and expectations of the Chinese consumer is vital. Chinese consumers have distinct tastes, influenced by cultural factors, social trends, and economic conditions.

By incorporating local insights into product design, businesses can tailor their offerings to align with Chinese consumers’ desires, increasing the chances of market success.

Navigating Intellectual Property Rights

Protecting intellectual property (IP) is a concern for businesses operating in any country, and China is no exception. While China has made significant progress in strengthening IP laws and enforcement, challenges still exist.

Engaging with experienced legal counsel and taking proactive measures can help safeguard your designs and inventions throughout the product design process in China.

Collaborating with Local Design Agencies

Collaborating with local design agencies can provide invaluable advantages when entering the Chinese market. These agencies possess in-depth knowledge of the local industry landscape, consumer behavior, and design trends.

By leveraging their expertise and network, businesses can create products that resonate with the Chinese market, improving market penetration and brand perception.

Cultural Sensitivity and Localization

Culture plays a crucial role in product design, and China’s rich cultural heritage demands careful consideration. Adapting your product to reflect cultural preferences, symbolism, and traditions can significantly enhance its appeal to Chinese consumers.

Localization goes beyond language translation and involves tailoring the design elements, packaging, and marketing strategies to align with the cultural sensibilities of the target audience.

Streamlining the Manufacturing Process

China’s reputation as the “world’s factory” stems from its efficient manufacturing capabilities. When embarking on product design in China, it is essential to collaborate closely with manufacturers.

By involving them early in the design process, businesses can benefit from their expertise and optimize the design for manufacturability, ensuring cost-effectiveness and streamlined production.

Overcoming Language and Communication Barriers

Language and communication barriers can pose challenges when working with Chinese partners. Effective communication is vital to ensure clarity, avoid misunderstandings, and maintain productive relationships.

Employing translators, hiring bilingual staff, or partnering with experienced local professionals can help bridge the language gap and foster effective collaboration throughout the product design journey.

Adapting to Changing Market Trends

The Chinese market is dynamic and constantly evolving. Staying abreast of the latest market trends is crucial for successful product design in China.

By analyzing consumer behavior, market research, and emerging technologies, businesses can identify opportunities for innovation, anticipate market demands, and create products that cater to the ever-changing preferences of Chinese consumers.

Ensuring Quality Control and Compliance

Maintaining quality standards and compliance is essential to build trust and protect your brand reputation.

Working closely with manufacturing partners to establish robust quality control processes, conducting regular inspections, and adhering to relevant regulations and certifications are vital steps to ensure that your products meet the required standards and deliver customer satisfaction.

Product design in China offers businesses a gateway to innovation, efficiency, and market success. As the global business landscape continues to evolve, product design in China remains a vital strategy for businesses looking to thrive in a competitive world. You can also choose to work with a manufacturer like Shield Works, one with their own in-house international team of industrial designers and engineers to craft your vision into a concrete reality. Contact us now!

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Product Prototype

Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line revolutionized manufacturing in 1913. As long as humans have manufactured products, they have started with a prototype.

A product prototype is an early model of a product. Prototypes are used to test and refine the design before it goes into full production.

The success of a product often depends on the quality of its prototype. As a result, prototyping is a crucial step in product development.

Creating a product prototype can also be a challenging task. It’s easy to make mistakes without proper preparation.

If you want to launch a new product, this article will help you avoid costly mistakes. Read on for a complete guide to what you should avoid when creating a prototype!

How Do Prototypes Work?

A prototype is an initial version of a product created to check the design and functionality.

The main purpose of a prototype is to provide a visual representation of the product. Manufacturers also use the prototype to test a product’s features. They consider the design and manufacturing processes before producing the final product.

Manufacturers create prototypes using various methods, including:

  • Manual fabrication
  • 3D printing
  • Computer-aided design (CAD) software

The method will depend on the complexity and specific requirements of the project. Once the prototype is complete, the design team can identify any issues or areas for improvement.

Prototypes play a crucial role in the product development process. They can help reduce the risk of production errors, improve product quality, and reduce costs. This way, manufacturers can identify and address issues early on in the process.

Additionally, prototypes are a way to present the product to potential investors and customers. The prototype can help show the potential of the product and secure funding and support.

1. Not Fully Understanding the Product

One of the most common mistakes made when creating a product prototype is not having a clear understanding of the product. This can lead to design flaws and issues with functionality, which can result in wasted time and resources.

A lack of clarity on what the product does and what it should look like can result in a prototype that doesn’t meet the desired specifications.

To avoid this mistake, designers should have a complete understanding of the product. This includes its intended use, target market, and any specific requirements.

It’s helpful to conduct market research to understand what competitors offer. Designers should also consider what consumer needs the market fails to meet.

Having a clear understanding of the product will help ensure that the prototype design aligns with the intended purpose. This will also make it easier to identify and address any potential issues during the prototyping process.

2. Ignoring the Manufacturing Process

Another common mistake when creating a product prototype is ignoring the manufacturing process. The design of a product prototype has to account for the method of manufacturing used for mass production.

Ignoring the process can result in a prototype that’s difficult or even impossible to manufacture. These difficulties can lead to costly delays and even a complete rework.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to consider the manufacturing process during the prototype design stage. Research and test manufacturing methods to determine the most efficient and cost-effective process.

You should also optimize the design for the chosen manufacturing process. This will help you create a product you can produce in large quantities.

Take the time to consider the manufacturing process during the prototype design stage. This will help ensure that the final product is easy to manufacture efficiently and cost-effectively.

3. Choosing the Wrong Manufacturing Partner

While many companies handle manufacturing and prototyping in-house, others outsource the production.

A key aspect of the product development process is finding the right manufacturing partner. A manufacturing partner can help bring the product prototype to life with the highest quality standards.

Choosing the wrong manufacturing partner can result in significant problems. The wrong manufacturing partner may produce poor quality, delays, and increased costs.

Be sure to research and carefully select the right manufacturing partner. Assess their experience, capacity, and quality control processes.

You should also consider the location of your partner. Working with a manufacturer in a different time zone or region can impact communication. Communication issues can then lead to unexpected challenges.

Consider the cost of production when choosing a manufacturing partner. Working with a low-cost manufacturer may seem like a good option at first. Choose carefully, as it may also result in lower-quality products and production issues.

A more expensive manufacturer may provide a higher level of quality and support. It may also result in higher production costs.

4. Underestimating the Cost of Manufacturing

When creating a product prototype, it can be easy to underestimate the cost of manufacturing. This can lead to significant financial problems like insufficient funding and profits.

The cost of manufacturing includes not only the cost of materials and labor, but also tooling, shipping, and other indirect costs.

Make sure you get an accurate estimate of the cost of manufacturing before starting production. Manufacturing costs include the cost of materials and labor. You should also account for any other indirect costs associated with the manufacturing process.

Additionally, take into account any potential changes in the cost of materials or labor over time.

For example, fluctuations in the cost of raw materials can impact the total cost of production. Be prepared for unexpected changes in the market.

Taking the time to accurately estimate the cost of manufacturing is a crucial step in prototype production. This will ensure that there’s enough funding to bring the product to market and that the final product is profitable.

Having an accurate cost estimate can also help you find investors. Investors will be more comfortable funding a prototype if they know how much you plan to spend.

5. Insufficient Research on Chinese Manufacturers

China is a popular destination for product manufacturing. Many Chinese manufacturers offer low-cost production options.

Many companies are wary of working with Chinese manufacturers. Outsourcing manufacturing overseas sometimes results in quality control issues and intellectual property theft.

Thoroughly research any potential Chinese manufacturers before entering into a partnership. This includes evaluating their experience, capacity, and quality control processes.

You should also consider their reputation within the industry. Think about the legal and regulatory environment in China and any potential production risks.

Communicate with the manufacturer and establish clear expectations and protocols for quality control. Discuss regular inspections and testing to ensure reliable quality standards.

China-based manufacturing facilities can of course produce high-quality products. There are plenty of reputable Chinese manufacturers to choose from as long as you research thoroughly.

Many facilities based in China have completely western management and ownership.

6. Creating a Prototype That’s Difficult to Manufacture

Having a well-designed prototype is essential for successful product manufacturing. Prototype designs not optimized for manufacturing can lead to significant challenges in production.

It’s crucial to design the prototype with the manufacturing process in mind. 

Consider the materials, tooling, and processes required for production. The cost and lead time associated with each should also be a factor.

Think about potential challenges or limitations that may arise in the manufacturing process. You might encounter several issues, such as:

  • Tooling limitations
  • Material availability
  • Manufacturing complexity

Additionally, you should work closely with the manufacturing partner throughout the design process.

They may advise changes to the design to make it more cost-effective or easier to manufacture. You might reduce the number of components or use simpler manufacturing processes.

When you consult with your manufacturing partner, don’t be too committed to a particular design element. Although you have a clear vision for your product, the manufacturing team will help you keep it workable.

7. Not Having a Cost-Effective Prototype Design

For any product prototype, you should consider the cost of manufacturing. Work to create a design that is both functional and cost-effective.

A design that is not cost-effective can lead to increased costs and reduced profitability. This can make it difficult to bring the product line to market.

To keep the design cost-effective, consider the cost of materials, tooling, and labor when designing the prototype. 

You may need to alter the design to reduce costs. More cost-effective materials or simplifying the manufacturing process can keep costs down.

Think about the cost implications of different design choices. Make informed decisions that balance cost and functionality.

Designers should conduct a cost-benefit analysis before moving forward with a design. With the chances of an economic recession going up, it’s crucial to keep costs low.

Compare the cost of different materials and manufacturing processes. If necessary, explore alternative manufacturing options.

8. Lack of Scalability in Designs

In the design stage, you should consider the potential for future growth of your product. A scalable design will help you meet future demand in the manufacturing stage.

A prototype design that is not scalable can lead to production limitations. This makes it difficult to expand into other markets.

Design your product to be easily modified or expanded in the future. Use materials and components that are readily available.

You should also consider the potential for automation and other manufacturing improvements. At later stages of production, a design you can automate production for can greatly increase your profit margins.

9. Not Protecting Intellectual Property

When you come up with the idea for a product, take steps to ensure you keep control over your intellectual property. Any patents, trademarks, and copyrights are a part of the intellectual property (IP) of the product.

Failure to protect IP can lead to disputes, expensive legal battles, and the loss of ownership rights over the product. Financial and legal issues like these can destroy a product launch.

To avoid IP issues, get a legal review to protect the IP of the product. File for patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and keep any confidential information secure.

Consider working with an IP attorney to review the prototype design. A legal expert can identify any potential IP issues or infringement risks.

Keep in mind the IP implications of working with a manufacturing partner. This is especially important when dealing with manufacturers in other countries.

Steps you can take to protect IP include:

  • Adding confidentiality clauses in contracts
  • Conducting due diligence on the manufacturer
  • Taking steps to protect the IP of the product during the manufacturing process.

10. Not Having a Plan for the Product Line

Before you take a prototype into the manufacturing stage, work with your team to create a production plan. Have a plan for the product line and how the product will fit into the strategy of the business.

A lack of planning for the product line can lead to confusion and inconsistencies. Poor planning can stop an enterprise from making it past the prototype stage.

Create a product line plan that outlines any future products and how they’ll fit together. Consider the target market, and determine the potential for future growth and expansion.

Ways to Avoid Prototype Mistakes

Making a mistake in the prototyping process can stop a product before it gets off the ground. You can use several strategies to avoid making mistakes at this stage.

  • Plan and research thoroughly
  • Work with a trusted manufacturing partner
  • Budget in advance
  • Consider scalability
  • Protect your intellectual property
  • Plan for the product line

Precision OEM Manufacturing

Creating a product prototype is an exciting and challenging process. It requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality.

Many common mistakes during the process can lead to issues with production. Mistakes can cause costly delays, poor quality, and difficulty in bringing the product to market. By avoiding the mistakes outlined in this post, you’re sure to have a successful product launch.

Shield Works has provided customized manufacturing and assembly services for nearly 18 years. Contact us today to learn more about starting production on your prototype!

Why Should You Outsource Industrial Design to China?

Outsourcing your industrial design to China is an excellent option to consider because of how much you could save your company and because of the vast capabilities outsourcing can offer you. Many businesses outsource their manufacturing design and production needs to companies worldwide to help bring their items to market quicker than they could if they decided to design in-house.

Are you and your team stuck between outsourcing or handling your industrial design in-house, and you need further guidance? If so, then you came to the right place. This brief outsourcing design guide will cover the pros and cons of outsourcing vs. handling things in-house and who you can contact for more information.

Benefits of In-house Design

One of the most significant benefits of keeping your product design in-house is you have the ability to manage your own team of designers. No one knows your product better than you and your design team.

You both have an indispensable amount of knowledge that can be quite beneficial to provide to your field service engineers. This allows them the ability to handle the repair, upgrading, and maintenance of your products.

Greater Transparency

Keeping everything in-house makes it easier to watch over the design process. You will know where, when, and how the project money is spent.

Disadvantages of In-house Industrial Design

Although some excellent benefits come with handling the design in-house, there are some disadvantages you must keep in mind. For example, maintaining an in-house industrial design team permanently can cost you a lot in the long run. To ensure you get your money’s worth, you will need to keep your designers productively occupied.

Investment in Resources

In addition to paying wages for your design team, you must also consider the cost of materials. To ensure you have all you need to design in-house, you will have to spend money on equipment, technology, infrastructure, and anything else you need to get the product developed.

A Fresh Pair of Eyes

Although it is great to have everyone on board, sometimes it is easy to fall into designer bias. When you outsource your work, you have a fresh pair of eyes that can help you catch any discrepancies or issues that you and your in-home team may not have noticed.

Benefits of Outsourcing Design

One of the most significant benefits of outsourcing the product development of your product is that it expands your capacity. When you hire a product development team, you get more people with expertise and experience in development. This gives you and your in-home team more time to focus on other tasks.

Even after you complete the design process and you dismiss your international design team, they are there for you to answer any questions or concerns you may have. This means that you can rest assured that if something goes wrong or you need help with something in the design, later on, you can always reach out to your international design team. They will know precisely how to help you.

Expedited Market Production

When you have more active employees working on the product lines, it is typical for the development of the product to go much faster than if you were to do it on your own. Outsourced teams are notorious for getting product out to the market quickly because that is what they are hired for. Their main job is to design the product, test it, and get it out to market as quickly as possible to meet your demands.

More Designers Less Cost

Although it sounds ironic that the more designers you have, the less it will cost, that statement is true regarding outsourced product development teams. Most international design teams charge you less when you request a team of designers instead of hiring individual designers.

This is excellent if you need to create complex products such as a new technology product, complete product design, or other types of electronic development. The more people you have working on the project, the faster things get done.

You Can Develop Products Outside of Your Expertise

Even if you aren’t entirely aware of all the complex details that go into your product, all you have to do is come up with an idea. When you work with an outsourced team, they have the proper staff members with the knowledge needed to bring your product to life.

If you’re developing a product and you come across a situation where you don’t quite understand a specific part of the design, you can rely on the help of your international design team to pick up where you left off. For example, let’s say you have an excellent idea for a new phone or gaming console, but you don’t know how to program it; you can reach out to a reputable overseas team to handle that part.

Exposed to New Opinions

As mentioned earlier, when you work on a product in-house, it is easy to possibly fall into designer bias. This happens when you and your team put their own opinions into the design so much that you miss vital parts that could significantly affect the design.

Instead, when you outsource the product development, the third-party company can give you their two cents about your design. They are there to ensure your product meets your user expectations and project goals.

Disadvantages of Outsourcing Industrial Design

Outsourcing your industrial design projects come with many great benefits, but there are some disadvantages that you should be aware of. For example, when you outsource, you lose some control of the production process.

With an in-house team, things are localized, and it is easy to step in quickly and make changes. When you outsource, you won’t be able to do that. So long as you are transparent with your international design team, there should be no issues.

Possible Hidden Costs

Even though outsourcing your product development is generally cheaper, there may be some hidden costs. To ensure that you control costs, make sure you partner with a reputable outsourcing company.

When you interview potential manufacturers, make sure to ask them about their fee schedules. If they are hesitant to answer your questions or give you a straight answer about payment, you may want to consider working with another company.

Potential Intellectual Property issues

Most people don’t know that your intellectual property rights don’t transfer to other countries. Just because you have your trademark in your home country does not mean it exists in other countries. To ensure that you protect your intellectual property, make sure you work with a company that protects your interest as they create your product.

Possible Public Backlash

There are several clients who disagree with outsourcing due to unfair and unethical labor practices in certain countries. To help prevent a PR disaster, make sure you work with a company that follows fair, ethical labor laws. Certain countries don’t have labor laws in place for their workers, so make sure you do your research before you partner with any manufacturer.

Best Practices To Ensure Outsourcing Success

If you need to outsource your product development process, there are a few things you should do to ensure your project’s success. For example, you will want to make sure you establish clear communication. In order for the product development process to be a complete success, there needs to be clear and open communication across the team.

If you decide to work with a manufacturer in China, it would be best if you worked with a manufacturer with a dedicated contact. This agent is a liaison between you and the design team. They have the ability to clearly understand your needs and translate them to the product development team.

Choose a Team With Expanded Capabilities

It is very important that you work with an international design team that has a wide variety of expertise. Product development teams who have experience across different industries and experience with other platforms, materials, and components are the best way to go.

The product development team you choose to work with may not have experience developing a product just like yours, and this is ok. The team mainly needs to be able to apply their knowledge and skills from previous projects to yours.

When looking for the right manufacturer, be sure to ask them about their portfolio of projects. They should be able to show you other jobs they’ve worked on to best highlight their abilities.

Don’t Pick Your Industrial Design Team Solely Based on Cost

We get it; you and your team are probably on a strict budget that you must stay within, or else you won’t be able to bring the product to market. Although you should keep cost in mind, you shouldn’t opt for the cheapest option to stay on budget.

It is much better to consider quality over cost. The last thing you want is to be in a position where you’re spending more money to remedy the situation instead of choosing a higher-quality industrial design team.

Have a Clear Product Specification Sheet

In addition to making sure that there is clear communication between development team members, you will want to make sure there is a clear understanding of your product specification sheet. Be sure to stay open and honest with your manufacturer about the needs of your product so they can meet your demands. If you don’t have precise specifications, your manufacturer will only be able to go off of what you give them.

Don’t Underestimate Security Concerns

When doing business overseas, make sure that all of your data is kept secure. It is unwise to assume the security and safety of your data when outsourcing. Make sure that you seek a technical expert to make sure that all of your data and information is kept safe.

How To Find the Right Industrial Design Team

When looking for the right industrial design team, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Of course, you want to do your due diligence and research a company thoroughly before you sign any paperwork.

Do not pick a manufacturer based on price alone. Make sure that they have the right product and business licenses needed to operate in their country.

It isn’t uncommon for oversea manufacturers to outsource their work to subcontractors if they have too much on their plate. If they do, you will want to make sure you have information on that subcontractor as well.

Research Turnaround Times

When you outsource the manufacturing process of your products, you should expect for your products to have a longer shipping time. This is because customs and other overseas procedures must take place before your package can arrive in your home country. It is imperative that you partner with a company that can help ensure that your goods will get to you within your target deadline.

Reputable Industrial Design Manufacturers

When you have an industrial design that you need to hit the market as quickly as possible, you will want to make sure you work with a reputable company that can handle your demands. There are several benefits that come with outsourcing and some disadvantages that you should keep in mind as well.

To ensure that your project is a complete success, you should make sure you work with a company with a robust and experienced international design team. If you are in the process of developing your product and you are ready to start manufacturing, contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you have about the manufacturing process.

industrial design

Why Should You Outsource Industrial Design to China?

industrial design

Outsourcing your industrial design to China is an excellent option to consider because of how much you could save your company and because of the vast capabilities outsourcing can offer you. Many businesses outsource their manufacturing design and production needs to companies worldwide to help bring their items to market quicker than they could if they decided to design in-house.

Are you and your team stuck between outsourcing or handling your industrial design in-house, and you need further guidance? If so, then you came to the right place. This brief outsourcing design guide will cover the pros and cons of outsourcing vs. handling things in-house and who you can contact for more information.

Benefits of In-house Design

One of the most significant benefits of keeping your product design in-house is you have the ability to manage your own team of designers. No one knows your product better than you and your design team.

You both have an indispensable amount of knowledge that can be quite beneficial to provide to your field service engineers. This allows them the ability to handle the repair, upgrading, and maintenance of your products.

Greater Transparency

Keeping everything in-house makes it easier to watch over the design process. You will know where, when, and how the project money is spent.

Disadvantages of In-house Industrial Design

Although some excellent benefits come with handling the design in-house, there are some disadvantages you must keep in mind. For example, maintaining an in-house industrial design team permanently can cost you a lot in the long run. To ensure you get your money’s worth, you will need to keep your designers productively occupied.

Investment in Resources

In addition to paying wages for your design team, you must also consider the cost of materials. To ensure you have all you need to design in-house, you will have to spend money on equipment, technology, infrastructure, and anything else you need to get the product developed.

A Fresh Pair of Eyes

Although it is great to have everyone on board, sometimes it is easy to fall into designer bias. When you outsource your work, you have a fresh pair of eyes that can help you catch any discrepancies or issues that you and your in-home team may not have noticed.

Benefits of Outsourcing Design

One of the most significant benefits of outsourcing the product development of your product is that it expands your capacity. When you hire a product development team, you get more people with expertise and experience in development. This gives you and your in-home team more time to focus on other tasks.

Even after you complete the design process and you dismiss your international design team, they are there for you to answer any questions or concerns you may have. This means that you can rest assured that if something goes wrong or you need help with something in the design, later on, you can always reach out to your international design team. They will know precisely how to help you.

Expedited Market Production

When you have more active employees working on the product lines, it is typical for the development of the product to go much faster than if you were to do it on your own. Outsourced teams are notorious for getting product out to the market quickly because that is what they are hired for. Their main job is to design the product, test it, and get it out to market as quickly as possible to meet your demands.

More Designers Less Cost

Although it sounds ironic that the more designers you have, the less it will cost, that statement is true regarding outsourced product development teams. Most international design teams charge you less when you request a team of designers instead of hiring individual designers.

This is excellent if you need to create complex products such as a new technology product, complete product design, or other types of electronic development. The more people you have working on the project, the faster things get done.

You Can Develop Products Outside of Your Expertise

Even if you aren’t entirely aware of all the complex details that go into your product, all you have to do is come up with an idea. When you work with an outsourced team, they have the proper staff members with the knowledge needed to bring your product to life.

If you’re developing a product and you come across a situation where you don’t quite understand a specific part of the design, you can rely on the help of your international design team to pick up where you left off. For example, let’s say you have an excellent idea for a new phone or gaming console, but you don’t know how to program it; you can reach out to a reputable overseas team to handle that part.

Exposed to New Opinions

As mentioned earlier, when you work on a product in-house, it is easy to possibly fall into designer bias. This happens when you and your team put their own opinions into the design so much that you miss vital parts that could significantly affect the design.

Instead, when you outsource the product development, the third-party company can give you their two cents about your design. They are there to ensure your product meets your user expectations and project goals.

Disadvantages of Outsourcing Industrial Design

Outsourcing your industrial design projects come with many great benefits, but there are some disadvantages that you should be aware of. For example, when you outsource, you lose some control of the production process.

With an in-house team, things are localized, and it is easy to step in quickly and make changes. When you outsource, you won’t be able to do that. So long as you are transparent with your international design team, there should be no issues.

Possible Hidden Costs

Even though outsourcing your product development is generally cheaper, there may be some hidden costs. To ensure that you control costs, make sure you partner with a reputable outsourcing company.

When you interview potential manufacturers, make sure to ask them about their fee schedules. If they are hesitant to answer your questions or give you a straight answer about payment, you may want to consider working with another company.

Potential Intellectual Property issues

Most people don’t know that your intellectual property rights don’t transfer to other countries. Just because you have your trademark in your home country does not mean it exists in other countries. To ensure that you protect your intellectual property, make sure you work with a company that protects your interest as they create your product.

Possible Public Backlash

There are several clients who disagree with outsourcing due to unfair and unethical labor practices in certain countries. To help prevent a PR disaster, make sure you work with a company that follows fair, ethical labor laws. Certain countries don’t have labor laws in place for their workers, so make sure you do your research before you partner with any manufacturer.

Best Practices To Ensure Outsourcing Success

If you need to outsource your product development process, there are a few things you should do to ensure your project’s success. For example, you will want to make sure you establish clear communication. In order for the product development process to be a complete success, there needs to be clear and open communication across the team.

If you decide to work with a manufacturer in China, it would be best if you worked with a manufacturer with a dedicated contact. This agent is a liaison between you and the design team. They have the ability to clearly understand your needs and translate them to the product development team.

Choose a Team With Expanded Capabilities

It is very important that you work with an international design team that has a wide variety of expertise. Product development teams who have experience across different industries and experience with other platforms, materials, and components are the best way to go.

The product development team you choose to work with may not have experience developing a product just like yours, and this is ok. The team mainly needs to be able to apply their knowledge and skills from previous projects to yours.

When looking for the right manufacturer, be sure to ask them about their portfolio of projects. They should be able to show you other jobs they’ve worked on to best highlight their abilities.

Don’t Pick Your Industrial Design Team Solely Based on Cost

We get it; you and your team are probably on a strict budget that you must stay within, or else you won’t be able to bring the product to market. Although you should keep cost in mind, you shouldn’t opt for the cheapest option to stay on budget.

It is much better to consider quality over cost. The last thing you want is to be in a position where you’re spending more money to remedy the situation instead of choosing a higher-quality industrial design team.

Have a Clear Product Specification Sheet

In addition to making sure that there is clear communication between development team members, you will want to make sure there is a clear understanding of your product specification sheet. Be sure to stay open and honest with your manufacturer about the needs of your product so they can meet your demands. If you don’t have precise specifications, your manufacturer will only be able to go off of what you give them.

Don’t Underestimate Security Concerns

When doing business overseas, make sure that all of your data is kept secure. It is unwise to assume the security and safety of your data when outsourcing. Make sure that you seek a technical expert to make sure that all of your data and information is kept safe.

How To Find the Right Industrial Design Team

When looking for the right industrial design team, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Of course, you want to do your due diligence and research a company thoroughly before you sign any paperwork.

Do not pick a manufacturer based on price alone. Make sure that they have the right product and business licenses needed to operate in their country.

It isn’t uncommon for oversea manufacturers to outsource their work to subcontractors if they have too much on their plate. If they do, you will want to make sure you have information on that subcontractor as well.

Research Turnaround Times

When you outsource the manufacturing process of your products, you should expect for your products to have a longer shipping time. This is because customs and other overseas procedures must take place before your package can arrive in your home country. It is imperative that you partner with a company that can help ensure that your goods will get to you within your target deadline.

Reputable Industrial Design Manufacturers

When you have an industrial design that you need to hit the market as quickly as possible, you will want to make sure you work with a reputable company that can handle your demands. There are several benefits that come with outsourcing and some disadvantages that you should keep in mind as well.

To ensure that your project is a complete success, you should make sure you work with a company with a robust and experienced international design team. If you are in the process of developing your product and you are ready to start manufacturing, contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you have about the manufacturing process.

product assembly

Outsourcing Product Assembly in China: What to Know

Outsourcing product assembly to China can help grow your business and increase your bottom-line.

It’s a step that many companies are taking to help bolster their manufacturing process, reduce turnaround times, and save on costs.

But finding the right product assembly partner isn’t always easy and problems often arise due to business misunderstandings. To mitigate any issues there are some important things to know.

After all, is outsourcing really worth it for your business? And how do you find the right assembly partner in China? Keep reading to find out.

Benefits of Outsourcing Product Assembly

More and more businesses are opting to outsource their product assembly process to China. Why? Because it provides several benefits over the traditional in-house approach.

Here are some of the main benefits of outsourcing product assembly. 


Assembling complex products often requires a hefty investment. For example, many electrical products need to be assembled by expert technicians. This means companies will have to hire new talent to get the job done.

On the other hand, rapid assembly may require expensive machines. Investing in this kind of equipment is expensive. 

Assembly partners already possess the correct expertise and equipment to get the job done. Outsourcing this process allows companies to save on these large costs.

Outsourcing partners are experts at product assembly. They understand how to complete the process with minimal difficulty. 

Access to Experts

Product assembly can be a complicated task. Depending on the product, it may require expertise beyond the capacity of your business. This is where an assembly partner comes in.

Product assembly companies already have the talent and knowledge to complete the assembly process. Their technicians assemble goods all day long and they know exactly what they’re doing.

Shorter Lead Times

Using an assembly company can decrease your lead time. In-house turnaround times are generally much longer, and, as everyone knows, time is money.

Assembly companies are experts at what they do. Their processes are refined and their technicians work fast.


With the right outsourcing partner, it’s easy to scale up your assembly. Scaling-up in-house requires investing in more machines and hiring more employees. 

Assembly companies already have the necessary equipment and technical knowledge. They will be happy to take on more work. And when you need to increase production, you don’t have to worry about logistical headaches.

Things to Know About Product Assembly Outsourcing

When it comes to outsourcing product assembly, there are some important things to understand. It all starts with drawing up a detailed strategy.

Define Your Strategy

Having a proper plan is crucial for the success of any new project. After deciding to outsource product assembly to China, there are several things to think about. You need to consider all the variables before beginning the transition.

The first step is to bring together all of the business leaders. Ensure everyone agrees about the benefits of outsourcing assembly. Once the leaders are all on board, set up a team to manage the project.

Remember to plan for the long-term when analyzing the financial benefits. A long-term approach is important for the success of your business.

Understand the Costs

Before outsourcing product assembly, you need to understand your in-house manufacturing costs. This helps when you’re choosing and comparing different assembly partners.

In fact, failing to understand your current costs of assembly can result in more money lost.

Choose Your Partner Carefully

There are many product assembly companies in China, so which one should you choose? The truth is that not all partners are created equal. Quality is a sliding scale.

When searching for a partner, you should keep in mind your own business needs and goals. Find a partner that specializes in the service that you need. And remember to read past all the showy sales speak.

Find out whether their services are cohesive enough to help you save costs. Some assembly partners are more streamlined than others.

Protect Your Intellectual Property Rights

Keeping your intellectual property safe is important for the success of your business. Outsourcing to China may be appealing, but remember to do your due diligence.

If your intellectual property is stolen or leaked, this could be a big set back to your business.

It’s important to ensure that your chosen partner’s data systems are secure. You should also do some research on the intellectual property laws in China.

Size Matters 

Remember, the size of your outsourcing partner matters. If you’re a medium-sized manufacturer, look for a partner of similar size. Larger assembly companies often struggle to service smaller accounts.

A large scale assembly company might cause delays to your production line. To avoid this, find an assembly partner in China who services businesses of similar sizes to yours.

Clear Communication

Many problems that occur when first outsourcing assembly to China are due to poor communication. This usually happens due to the language barrier and differences in business culture.

In China, most staff don’t have a high level of English. It’s mostly sales members that can communicate proficiently with customers.

The good news is, if you’re aware of these issues beforehand, you can mitigate problems down the road. One way to ensure success is by writing up the specifications of your business agreement in Chinese.

Let Shield Words Take Care of Your Product Assembly

Outsourcing your product assembly to China is a big step but it comes with a lot of benefits. 

Before making the switch, it’s important to have a clear plan in place. Assemble a team to handle the project and choose a partner that meets your business’s needs. Lastly, remember to ensure the protection of your intellectual property.

If you’re looking for an outsourcing partner in China, look no further than Shield Works. We’re a British-owned assembly company based in Zhuhai. We’re driven by quality and we offer customized solutions. Contact us today.