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How to Make Outsourcing Assembly to China Easier

Outsourcing assembly to China can be a strategic move for businesses looking to streamline their operations and reduce costs.

However, navigating the complexities of outsourcing to China can be daunting without proper guidance.

In this guide, we’ll explore various strategies and tips to make outsourcing assembly to China easier for your business.

Understanding the Benefits of Outsourcing Assembly to China

Outsourcing assembly to China offers numerous benefits for businesses, including cost savings, access to skilled labor, and scalability.

China boasts a vast manufacturing infrastructure and a large pool of experienced workers, making it an attractive destination for outsourcing assembly tasks.

Additionally, outsourcing to China allows businesses to take advantage of economies of scale, leading to lower production costs.

Moreover, outsourcing assembly to China can help businesses focus on their core competencies while delegating non-core tasks to specialized manufacturers.

This can result in increased efficiency and productivity, ultimately driving business growth. By leveraging the expertise and resources available in China, businesses can gain a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

Navigating the Challenges of Outsourcing to China

While outsourcing assembly to China offers significant advantages, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Cultural differences, language barriers, and logistical complexities can pose obstacles for businesses seeking to outsource to China.

Additionally, intellectual property protection and quality control issues are common concerns when outsourcing manufacturing tasks to foreign countries.

To overcome these challenges, it’s essential for businesses to conduct thorough research and due diligence before engaging with a Chinese manufacturer.

Building strong relationships with trusted partners and implementing robust contracts can help mitigate risks associated with outsourcing to China.

Additionally, investing in quality control measures and clear communication channels can ensure that the outsourced assembly process runs smoothly.

Choosing the Right Manufacturing Partner

Selecting the right manufacturing partner is crucial for the success of outsourcing assembly to China. When evaluating potential partners, businesses should consider factors such as experience, expertise, and reputation.

It’s essential to conduct site visits and audits to assess the manufacturer’s facilities and quality control processes firsthand.

Furthermore, businesses should prioritize transparency and open communication when working with Chinese manufacturers. Clear expectations, specifications, and timelines should be established from the outset to avoid misunderstandings and delays.

Building a strong relationship based on trust and mutual respect can foster collaboration and ensure a successful outsourcing partnership.

Streamlining the Outsourcing Process

To streamline the outsourcing process and make it easier, businesses can leverage technology and automation tools.

Project management software, communication platforms, and supply chain management systems can facilitate collaboration and coordination between the business and its Chinese manufacturing partner.

Additionally, implementing standardized processes and workflows can help streamline production and reduce errors.

Regular monitoring and performance evaluations are essential to ensure that the outsourcing arrangement is meeting the business’s objectives and quality standards.

By establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and conducting regular reviews, businesses can identify areas for improvement and address any issues promptly.

Continuous improvement and optimization are key to maximizing the benefits of outsourcing assembly to China.

Ensuring Compliance with Regulations and Standards

When outsourcing assembly to China, businesses must ensure compliance with local regulations and international standards.

This includes understanding import/export regulations, labor laws, and product safety standards in China. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal and financial repercussions for the business.

To ensure compliance, businesses should work closely with legal experts and regulatory consultants who are familiar with the Chinese market.

Conducting thorough due diligence on potential manufacturing partners and verifying their compliance with relevant regulations is essential.

Additionally, implementing robust quality control processes and conducting regular audits can help mitigate risks and ensure that products meet the required standards.

Outsourcing assembly to China can be a strategic decision for businesses looking to optimize their operations and stay competitive in today’s global economy. With careful planning, diligent research, and effective communication, outsourcing assembly to China can become a seamless and profitable endeavor for businesses of all sizes. Partner with an experienced manufacturer like Shield Works will even spare you much troubles, with their expertise and vast network of suppliers. Contact us now!

Why China Contract Manufacturing Is a Good Fit for Start-ups

In the rapidly evolving landscape of start-up ventures, the choice of manufacturing partners holds significant weight in determining success.

For many start-ups, particularly those in the tech industry, China contract manufacturing has emerged as a compelling option.

This article delves into the reasons why China contract manufacturing is an excellent fit for start-ups, exploring the advantages it offers.


One of the primary reasons start-ups opt for China contract manufacturing is the cost-effectiveness it provides. China’s robust manufacturing infrastructure, coupled with its lower labor costs compared to Western countries, allows start-ups to produce goods at a fraction of the cost.

This cost advantage is especially crucial for start-ups operating on tight budgets, as it enables them to allocate resources more efficiently.

Moreover, China’s economies of scale further contribute to cost savings for start-ups. With a vast network of suppliers and manufacturers, China can accommodate orders of various sizes, from small batches to large-scale production runs.

This flexibility allows start-ups to scale their operations according to demand without incurring substantial overhead costs.

By leveraging China’s cost-effective manufacturing capabilities, start-ups can optimize their cost structure and enhance their competitiveness in the market.


Scalability is a crucial consideration for start-ups looking to expand their operations swiftly. China contract manufacturing offers unparalleled scalability, allowing start-ups to ramp up production rapidly to meet growing demand.

China’s manufacturing ecosystem is designed to accommodate high-volume production, with access to state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technologies.

Furthermore, China’s manufacturing partners are adept at optimizing production processes for efficiency and scalability.

Whether it’s streamlining assembly lines or implementing lean manufacturing principles, Chinese manufacturers excel at maximizing output while minimizing costs.

This scalability ensures that start-ups can adapt to changing market dynamics and seize opportunities for growth without being constrained by production limitations.


Another compelling reason for start-ups to consider China contract manufacturing is the wealth of expertise available in the region.

China has long been a global manufacturing hub, attracting talent from around the world with its technical prowess and innovation capabilities.

Partnering with Chinese manufacturers provides start-ups access to this vast pool of expertise, ranging from design and engineering to quality control and logistics.

Moreover, Chinese manufacturers are renowned for their agility and adaptability in responding to the needs of start-ups.

Whether it’s refining product specifications or implementing custom manufacturing solutions, Chinese partners collaborate closely with start-ups to ensure their vision is realized.

This collaborative approach fosters innovation and empowers start-ups to bring their ideas to market more efficiently.

Regulatory Compliance

Navigating regulatory requirements can be daunting for start-ups, especially when expanding into international markets.

China contract manufacturing offers a distinct advantage in this regard, as Chinese manufacturers are well-versed in local and international regulatory standards.

From product safety certifications to environmental regulations, Chinese partners ensure that start-ups remain compliant throughout the manufacturing process.

This adherence to regulatory compliance not only mitigates risks but also enhances the reputation and credibility of start-ups in the global market.

Access to a Diverse Supply Chain

China boasts a vast and diverse supply chain ecosystem, encompassing a wide range of raw materials, components, and production capabilities.

Start-ups leveraging China contract manufacturing gain access to this extensive supply chain network, enabling them to source high-quality materials at competitive prices.

Furthermore, China’s supply chain resilience and efficiency minimize lead times and reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions, allowing start-ups to maintain consistent production schedules and meet customer demands effectively.

Innovation-Driven Culture

China’s manufacturing industry is characterized by an innovation-driven culture that fosters continuous improvement and technological advancement.

Start-ups partnering with Chinese manufacturers benefit from this culture of innovation, gaining access to cutting-edge technologies and novel production techniques.

Whether it’s implementing automation solutions or adopting Industry 4.0 principles, Chinese manufacturers are at the forefront of innovation, helping start-ups stay ahead of the curve and differentiate their products in the market.

China contract manufacturing offers numerous advantages for start-ups seeking to optimize their production processes and drive business growth. As the global economy continues to evolve, China contract manufacturing will remain a compelling choice for start-ups looking to succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape. In that case, a reliable manufacturer, one like Shield Works with nearly 20 years of ground experience in China and vast network of suppliers, will help you get there fast. Contact us now!

Quality Control 101: Ensuring Excellence when Outsourcing Manufacturing to China

Outsourcing manufacturing to China has become a common practice for companies looking to reduce costs and increase efficiency. However, with this shift in production comes the challenge of maintaining quality control. As customers demand high standards and consistency from products, it is crucial for businesses to have effective strategies in place to ensure excellence when outsourcing manufacturing in China. In this blog post, we will discuss some essential tips for implementing quality control measures and maintaining product standards when manufacturing in China.

Understand Different Levels of Quality

In the manufacturing world, not all products are created equal. The quality level is what distinguishes one product from another. Understanding the various quality levels is critical when outsourcing manufacturing to China.

Manufacturers often classify quality into three categories – high, medium, and low.

High-quality products are made using top-tier materials, precise production techniques, and rigorous quality control measures. They are typically more expensive but provide superior performance and longevity.

Medium-quality products strike a balance between cost and quality. They are designed to be reliable and durable without being excessively pricey.

Low-quality products are usually cheaper, made with less expensive materials and simpler production processes. They might not have the longevity of their higher-quality counterparts, but they serve the purpose of cost-sensitive markets.

Your choice among these levels depends on your business goals, your target market, and your product positioning. Are you aiming for luxury and exclusivity, or affordability and mass appeal? Deciding on the desired quality level upfront will provide a clear direction for your manufacturer, and ensure your product meets your customers’ expectations. It’s a crucial step to guarantee the desired quality when outsourcing manufacturing in China.

What Does Quality Control in Manufacturing Do?

Quality control in manufacturing is the system of procedures put in place to ensure that a product meets a specific set of standards or requirements. This is accomplished through a series of checks and balances throughout the production process.

Quality control is all about precision – it’s about ensuring that a product is not only produced correctly but also that it meets the required quality benchmarks. It seeks to minimize defects, waste, and errors, thereby increasing efficiency, reliability, and satisfaction for both the business and the customer. Whether it’s confirming the quality of raw materials, monitoring the manufacturing process, conducting regular inspections, or validating the final product, every step is aimed at maintaining consistency and upholding standards.

Without stringent quality control, you risk producing subpar products that can damage your brand’s reputation and disappoint your customers. It’s a critical component in the manufacturing process, especially when outsourcing overseas to countries like China, where you might not have a direct hand in everyday operations. Therefore, implementing robust quality control measures is essential to ensure that your product’s quality remains uncompromised, regardless of where it’s made.

Legal Contract for Quality Control

In the whirlwind of setting up your manufacturing process in China, it’s easy to overlook the nuts and bolts of legal contracts. Yet, this very piece of paper can be your safety net, your guardian, protecting your interests and setting the quality standards in stone.

Setting Expectations

Start by laying down the expectations. Clearly articulate the quality benchmarks your product must meet. Be explicit and unambiguous, leaving no room for misinterpretation. Use your meticulously created product specification as a reference, ensuring that the contract mirrors the high standards you’ve set for your product.

Penalties for Non-Compliance:

But it doesn’t stop at setting the standards. Your contract should also outline the penalties in case of non-compliance. What happens if the manufacturer doesn’t meet the agreed-upon quality benchmarks? What are the repercussions? Detail out the consequences. It might seem a tad grim, but it’s necessary. Having well-defined penalties can act as a deterrent, encouraging your manufacturer to uphold the agreed standards.

Inspection Rights

Next, address the inspection rights. Yes, you’re sitting thousands of miles away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep tabs on your product’s quality. Include a clause that gives you the right to inspect your goods, and if they don’t measure up, to reject them. This empowers you to maintain active control over the quality of your product, despite the geographical distance.

Follow the Correct Product Inspection Processes

Adhering to proper inspection processes plays a significant role in maintaining quality standards. Begin with a pre-production inspection to ensure that the right raw materials and components are being used. During production, regular inspections can catch any potential issues early, allowing for immediate rectification. After the production is completed, conduct a pre-shipment inspection. This serves as the final check before your product sets sail, ensuring that it’s exactly as you envisioned. You might even consider a loading inspection to guarantee the safe and accurate loading of your goods for shipment.

When selecting an inspection process, consider factors like your product’s complexity, your quality expectations, and your manufacturer’s reliability. Also, remember that inspections should not just be about identifying problems, but also about finding solutions. If an inspection uncovers a quality concern, work closely with your manufacturer to identify the root cause and implement a corrective action. This proactive approach can prevent the recurrence of the issue, keeping your product’s quality uncompromised. Proper inspection processes, therefore, become an integral part of your quality control strategy when outsourcing manufacturing in China.

Chinese Quality Control Services

Working with manufacturing in China comes with a huge list of benefits as long as you can avoid the disadvantages that sometimes come along with it. The right quality inspection services in China can solve this problem and help you enjoy efficient manufacturing.

If you’re looking for a company that has all your security needs covered, look no further than Shield Works. We are a British-owned and managed company that specializes in the high-quality and competitive rate of contract manufacturing and product assembly services. Start your journey by reaching out today for more information and see how we will be able to make them worth every penny!

Is Contract Manufacturing in China Still Viable?

In today’s globalized world, businesses are constantly seeking cost-effective and efficient manufacturing solutions. Contract manufacturing in China has been a go-to option for many companies around the world due to its potential benefits.

However, with the changing economic landscape and geopolitical considerations, is contract manufacturing in China still a viable choice? In this article, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing manufacturing to China and assess its current viability for businesses worldwide.

Understanding Contract Manufacturing in China

Before diving into the pros and cons, let’s define what contract manufacturing means. Contract manufacturing is the process of outsourcing production to a third-party manufacturer. Companies often opt for this approach to reduce costs, access specialized expertise, and focus on core competencies.

In the context of China, it involves collaborating with Chinese manufacturers to produce goods at a larger scale.

The Pros of Contract Manufacturing in China

Cost-Effectiveness and Labor Availability

One of the primary reasons businesses turn to China for contract manufacturing is its cost-effectiveness. China’s relatively lower labor costs allow companies to manufacture products at a competitive price. Additionally, the country boasts a vast pool of skilled and unskilled labor, offering ample workforce availability for large-scale production.

Technological Advancements and Expertise

Over the years, China has made significant strides in technological advancements. Partnering with Chinese manufacturers grants access to cutting-edge technology and specialized expertise, enabling businesses to produce high-quality products with the latest features.

Supply Chain Efficiency and Infrastructure

China’s well-established supply chain infrastructure plays a crucial role in efficient production and timely delivery of goods. From raw material sourcing to shipping logistics, the country’s well-oiled supply chain ensures a smooth manufacturing process.

Cultural and Language Considerations

China’s unique cultural perspective and language skills can prove advantageous for businesses with a global customer base. Manufacturers in China can better understand and cater to the preferences of diverse markets, ensuring products align with the needs of international consumers.

The Cons of Contract Manufacturing in China

Geopolitical and Trade Uncertainties

The geopolitical landscape can impact contract manufacturing in China. Trade tensions and policy changes between China and other countries may lead to uncertainties, affecting the smooth flow of goods and causing potential disruptions.

Quality Control Challenges

Maintaining consistent product quality can be challenging when manufacturing overseas. Businesses must invest in stringent quality control measures to ensure the products meet international standards and satisfy customer expectations.

Intellectual Property Risks

Protecting intellectual property rights can be a concern when outsourcing to China. Companies must take appropriate legal measures and work closely with manufacturers to safeguard their innovations and prevent counterfeiting.

Communication and Time Zone Differences

Effective communication is essential for successful contract manufacturing. Language barriers and time zone differences may lead to misinterpretations or delays in critical decision-making processes.

Environmental and Ethical Concerns

Outsourcing to countries with lax environmental regulations can raise ethical dilemmas. Businesses must be mindful of their environmental footprint and the ethical implications of their manufacturing choices.

Is Contract Manufacturing in China Still Viable?

With the pros and cons considered, the question remains: is contract manufacturing in China still a viable option for businesses? The answer varies depending on individual business needs, market conditions, and the ability to navigate the challenges associated with outsourcing to China.

Adapting to the Changing Landscape

While China continues to be a major player in contract manufacturing, businesses should adapt their strategies to account for evolving geopolitical and economic landscapes. Diversifying manufacturing locations and exploring other emerging markets can mitigate risks and enhance overall resilience.

Diversifying Manufacturing Strategies

Rather than relying solely on a single manufacturing location, businesses can consider a hybrid approach that involves diversifying their manufacturing strategies. Combining in-house production with strategic partnerships in different countries can offer more flexibility and reduce dependency on a single region.

Contract manufacturing in China still holds potential benefits, but it also comes with challenges, including geopolitical uncertainties, quality control issues, and ethical concerns. Businesses must carefully evaluate their unique needs and risk tolerance before deciding whether to opt for contract manufacturing in China or adopt a diversified manufacturing strategy. If you choose to work with an experienced manufacturer, you can be rest-assured. One like Shield Works is your perfect choice with their adequate experience and vast network of suppliers. Contact us now!

OEM Standards: Why They Matter and What They Are

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) standards are the requirements that manufacturers must meet when producing parts or components for a specific product.

These standards are set by the company that originally designed the product, and they outline the quality, safety, and reliability requirements that must be met in order for the parts to be considered acceptable for use in that product.

In this blog post, we will explore why OEM standards are important and how they impact product performance.

Why OEM Standards Matter

OEM standards matter for several reasons, including quality, safety, and reliability.


First and foremost, OEM standards help to ensure that products are of a consistent quality. By setting specific requirements for materials, manufacturing processes, and testing procedures, manufacturers can minimize variations in product quality and ensure that each component meets the same high standards.

This can help to improve the overall quality of products and increase customer satisfaction.


In addition, OEM standards are important for ensuring the safety of products. Manufacturers must comply with specific safety regulations and standards to ensure that their products are safe to use.

This may include requirements for components that are flame-retardant, non-toxic, or resistant to high temperatures, among other things. By meeting these safety standards, manufacturers can help to prevent accidents and injuries that may result from product failures or malfunctions.


Reliability is another important factor that is impacted by OEM standards. By setting specific requirements for materials, manufacturing processes, and testing procedures, manufacturers can help to ensure that their products are reliable and perform as intended.

This can reduce the risk of product failures or malfunctions that can result in costly repairs or replacements, as well as damage to the manufacturer’s reputation.

In addition to these factors, complying with OEM standards can also have other benefits. For example, it can help manufacturers to streamline their production processes, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. It can also help to encourage innovation and the development of new technologies and methods that can improve product performance and reliability.

How OEM Standards Impact Product Performance

OEM standards play a critical role in determining the performance of a product. There are several ways in which these standards can impact product performance, including materials, manufacturing processes, and testing.


One of the most important ways in which OEM standards impact product performance is through the use of high-quality materials. This includes:

Material selection

Manufacturers must carefully select the materials used in their products, taking into account factors such as durability, strength, and resistance to wear and tear.

Material quality

The quality of the materials used can impact the performance of the product over time. Using high-quality materials can help to ensure that the product performs well and meets the specific needs of customers.

Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing processes also play a key role in determining product performance. This includes:


Manufacturers must ensure that their manufacturing processes are consistent and repeatable in order to minimize variations in product quality and ensure that each component meets the same high standards.

Quality control

Techniques such as statistical process control, automated testing, and continuous improvement programs can help manufacturers improve product performance and reliability, and reduce the risk of defects or malfunctions.


Testing is another important aspect of OEM standards that impacts product performance. This includes:

Performance testing

Manufacturers must rigorously test each component to ensure that it meets specific performance criteria. This may include tests for strength, durability, resistance to temperature and humidity, and compatibility with other components in the product.

Environmental testing

In some cases, manufacturers may also conduct environmental testing to ensure that their products can withstand harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures or exposure to saltwater. By conducting these tests, manufacturers can identify and correct potential performance issues before they become a problem for customers.

Design & Innovation

In addition to these factors, OEM standards can also impact product design and innovation. This includes:

Encouraging innovation

By setting specific requirements for materials, manufacturing processes, and testing procedures, manufacturers can encourage the development of new technologies and methods that can improve product performance and reliability.

Creating better products

This can lead to the creation of new products that meet the evolving needs of customers and perform better than previous generations. By staying up to date with OEM standards, manufacturers can create products that are safer, more reliable, and better suited to the needs of their customers.

Overall, OEM standards are important for ensuring the quality, safety, and reliability of products.

By setting specific requirements for materials, manufacturing processes, and testing procedures, manufacturers can improve the overall quality of their products, reduce the risk of accidents or injuries, and protect their reputation in the marketplace.

Whether you are a consumer, manufacturer, or regulator, understanding OEM standards is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of the products we use every day.

At Shield Works, we understand the importance of OEM standards and the impact they have on product performance. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, we have a professional engineering team that can help you meet the ideal OEM specs and standards for your product. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you meet your OEM standards and take your product to the next level.

Comparing OEM Manufacturing With In-House Production: Pros & Cons

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) manufacturing is a business model in which a company contracts with another company to produce parts or finished products that the first company will sell under its own brand.

In-house production, on the other hand, is the process of producing goods within a company’s own facilities, using its own resources and workforce.

Both OEM manufacturing and in-house production have their own set of benefits and challenges, and companies must weigh the pros and cons of each approach to determine the best fit for their needs.



One of the main benefits of OEM manufacturing is cost savings. OEM manufacturers often have specialized equipment and processes that allow them to produce goods more efficiently and at a lower cost than companies that produce goods in-house.

This can be particularly beneficial for companies that do not have the resources or expertise to produce certain products themselves.

OEM manufacturing can also allow companies to scale their production more quickly, as they can leverage the existing production capacity of their OEM partners rather than building and maintaining their own facilities.

Focused on Core Competence

Another advantage of OEM manufacturing is the ability to focus on core competencies. By outsourcing non-core production activities to OEM partners, companies can free up resources and focus on their core competencies, such as research and development, marketing, and sales.

This can help them to be more competitive and innovative in their market.


Loss of Control

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to OEM manufacturing. One concern is the potential loss of control over the production process.

When companies outsource production to OEM partners, they may have less visibility into and influence over the production process, which can lead to issues with quality, delivery, or compliance.

It is important for companies to carefully manage their OEM relationships and establish clear lines of communication and expectations to minimize these risks.

IP Risk

Another challenge of OEM manufacturing is the potential loss of intellectual property. When companies share their designs and technology with OEM partners, there is a risk that this information could be leaked or copied. To protect their intellectual property, companies must have strong contracts in place and carefully manage their relationships with OEM partners.

However, in-house production can also be more expensive than OEM manufacturing. Companies must invest in their own production facilities, equipment, and workforce, which can be a significant upfront cost.

In-house production can also be less flexible than OEM manufacturing, as it requires a more permanent and fixed production capacity. This can be a disadvantage for companies that need to scale their production up or down quickly in response to changes in demand.

Why a Good OEM Manufacturer Can Help You Overcome These Drawbacks

There’s always a solution to every problem. How to overcome these OEM challenges so that you can minimize the risk and fully enjoy its benefits?

One effective way is to work with an OEM manufacturer. Let the professional do their work.

But how to ensure that your product is in good hands? Here are a few key qualities to look for:

Strong communication

A great manufacturing company will have strong communication processes in place to ensure that there are clear lines of communication and expectations between the company and its OEM partners. This includes regular updates on production progress, alerts about any potential issues, and an open-door policy for addressing concerns or questions.

Quality control

A great manufacturing company will have robust quality control processes in place to ensure that the products they produce meet the standards of their clients. This may include measures such as inspections, testing, and certification to ensure that products meet relevant quality, safety, and regulatory standards.

IP protection

A great manufacturing company will have strong processes in place to protect their clients’ intellectual property. This may include measures such as non-disclosure agreements, licensing agreements, and technology transfer agreements to ensure that clients’ designs and technology are kept confidential. A great manufacturing company will also have robust processes in place to prevent the unauthorized use or reproduction of clients’ intellectual property.


A great manufacturing company will be compliant with relevant laws and regulations, including labor laws, environmental regulations, and intellectual property laws. This ensures that their products are produced ethically and sustainably, and helps to protect their clients’ intellectual property.


A great manufacturing company will be flexible and able to adapt to changing customer needs and market conditions. This may include being able to scale production up or down quickly in response to changes in demand or offering custom solutions to meet specific needs.


A great manufacturing company will be innovative and constantly seeking ways to improve their processes and products. This may include investing in new technologies, implementing lean manufacturing principles, or developing new products and services.

In conclusion, both OEM manufacturing and in-house production have their own set of benefits and challenges. Companies must carefully weigh the pros and cons of each approach to determine the best fit for their needs.

If you are looking for a great OEM manufacturer that check all the boxes of the aforementioned criteria, look no further than Shield Works. Our transparency, flexibility and integrity are proven by our over 17 years in the industry and our IP-Protective Production Zone. Contact us now!

Is Product Development in China Up to Snuff?

Product development in China has earned itself a reputation as one of the most innovative nations in the world. But just how good are the products that come out of China? Are they up to snuff? Some business owners find themselves questioning the value of outsourcing their product development needs to China, so let’s take a look at how the country stacks up against others when it comes to producing products that meet global standards.

It is still a good idea to outsource product development to China

The idea of outsourcing product development to China may seem strange to many. Most engineers and product developers assume that manufacturing abroad only applies to sourcing parts from other countries, but there are many advantages to having your invention made in China. Chinese companies, for example, often provide ready-made factories, so you don’t have to worry about setting up the factory space before production begins. The biggest benefit of outsourcing product development is the cost savings. there are generally cheaper manufacturing costs in Asian countries than in Western ones, which allows startups to take risks they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

With years of development, China is able to produce quality products that meet international standards. Engineers and product developers think outsourcing manufacturing to China is a risky decision, since they are concerned about the quality of the products. American brands are realizing, however, how reliable Chinese companies can be as more use them for their projects.

Get off to a good start

Working with a partner who has impeccable standards and experience is the best way to avoid quality issues in the future. In spite of the numerous problems that can arise when making products abroad, you’ll want someone on your team who can spot these problems before they snowball. Working with an experienced partner will help you avoid major setbacks, whether it’s minor translation errors or hardware problems. Know what aspects of your product or business could cause problems. When unsure of anything regarding your production process, consult an expert or do some research.

For example, if you’re using a new material or technology for your product, it’s critical to know how that material will interact with other components. Whether you’re making a hard drive, an electronic device, or anything else that contains moving parts and circuits, you need someone who knows how these things work together. This can help you avoid quality issues that may arise later during production when pieces are put together in different locations around the world.

How long it takes

From preparing a prototype and testing it, to finding materials and ordering samples, bringing an idea to life can take up to six months on average. Consequently, product development timelines are dependent on various factors such as the creation of a custom mold instead of a mass-produced mold or production in China. This could result in significant changes in the timeline, depending on your design and goal. What will the timeline be for receiving your samples? It will vary based on what type of shipping you select. Ordering standard delivery is good for packages to reach you in two weeks or less; order express shipping and you’ll receive your package in one week.

But with COVID and geopolitics, everything still remains more or less unclear. It’s important to have an adaptable mindset.

How much you should invest prototyping

Getting prototypes made is often a great way to see how your product will look (and feel) and how durable it will be. It’s also worth taking into account the fact that prototypes have varying prices. If you are looking for low-cost prototyping solutions such as 3D printing, get quotes from multiple suppliers. Injection-molded parts can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Many manufacturers don’t charge their first-time clients much for printouts if cooperative desire is demonstrated.

It’s also important to consider how many products you will make. If you’re only going for one prototype, that might not be a bad place to start. But if you are trying to test multiple variables or aspects of your product idea, investing in several iterations could make sense. (For example, if you want both male and female feedback on a product before going into production.)

How to make sure you don’t get ripped off

Although you may be hesitant to send money to a company you don’t know, most clients choose to have an agreement in writing before making any payments. The agreement should include timelines for delivery, agreements for delayed shipping and detailed specifications. If you’re worried about your contract being followed to the letter, hire a lawyer who works in this area, or find a partner that has experience making goods in China. That way you can rest assured that there will be no mix-ups, you’ll get exactly what you wanted, and there’ll be less chances for headaches.

If you don’t have time to vet a partner thoroughly before entrusting your project to them, you could run into some problems, but investing your time up front into researching reputable ones will solve the majority of potential issues. From the UK and with a 17-year history in product development, Shield Works definitely understands your language. Give us a call and find out more!

Why China is the Top Country for Product Prototyping

Although there are prototyping services in numerous countries around the world, China provides one-of-a-kind advantages to entrepreneurs and manufacturers alike. Let’s take a look at why China is the best place to prototype products before they launch globally.

Labor cost is lower

While labor costs in China are still cheaper than those of other high-tech economies like Japan and South Korea, they use more advanced machinery and better manufacturing processes to make products cheaper, faster, and higher in quality. Allowing these firms to set lower prices, such efficiency come from better use of technology (like robots) and closer monitoring of labor schedules to minimize downtime (i.e. breaks taken by workers). These different factors increased efficiency and lower wages, which mean that Chinese manufacturers are capable of supplying a higher quantity of products at a lower cost than anywhere else in the world.

They take care of it all

Some Chinese prototyping shops provide all the help you need to build a prototype. On-staff designers, 3D printers, and injection molders will give your ideas form and shape. if you purchase a package deal, they’ll do all of your work for you. Startup founders love this because it lets them focus on what they do best. Even better: specialized prototyping companies are popping up in increasing numbers, with faster-than-normal manufacturing processes, which work well for small startups aiming to get specific things accomplished.

For example, if you’re building a medical device, you might want to partner with a firm that specializes in the design and manufacture of medical devices. These firms know the details that the regulatory agencies such as FDA need to make sure that you’re following their protocols and as such you don’t need to concern yourselves with that information. Entrepreneurs who are launching hardware-based products should work closely with these experts from the earliest phases of the project.

Fast delivery

Inexpensive prototyping and large-scale manufacturing allow product developers to innovate at an unprecedented pace. Chinese factories offer lower costs, shorter lead times, and larger production volumes than other countries. Companies like Apple have established relationships with Chinese manufacturers for over a decade. Today, a large percentage of Apple’s products are manufactured in China—including final assembly for some parts (e.g., cables and batteries). While there are many factors that come into play when deciding where to locate production, high speed of prototype delivery has become increasingly important as consumers demand better turnaround times on pre-orders.

Preloaded technology

Since they make 3D printers with helpful software to make them easier to use, Chinese manufacturers also preload their 3D engineers with more industry experience, because they typically hire skilled workers who are experienced with manufacturing similar products or work with experienced consultants. Due to its large population, the talent pool in China is nothing comparable to those in other countries. It’s been difficult to close this sizable gap.

Innovative culture

While in the past China’s reputation has been that of a country that has stolen technologies and has relied on a copier culture, it’s now on the verge of becoming a leading economic power. Beijing’s top leaders are beginning to think that innovation, not imitation, can be the solution to some of the country’s problems and that it can create new industries and jobs, as well. They believe that innovation will lead to economic growth and more opportunities. nearly 700 universities in China have revamped their names to incorporate innovation, signifying an emphasis on teaching for research and development. Only a few years ago, these schools focused solely on providing the lowest common denominator of engineering training, churning out manufactured products for countries around the world.

Home-made tech forces

One of the reasons why Chinese startups can prototype at such an accelerated rate is that they take advantage of local tech hubs. These facilities allow startups to rent office space, equipment, and more–eliminating expensive overhead costs while also fostering a sense of community and support. For a tech startup’s success in prototyping its product, being closer to industry experts and resources as well as proximity to large financial markets might be just as important as proximity to Silicon Valley’s startups and innovation.

For instance, take Huaqiangbei in Shenzhen for prototyping needs. With processors, motors, sensors, and circuit boards, this massive market has all of the electronic components imaginable. This place would be like a godsend for an entrepreneur! Don’t worry, those needing a startup engineer or product designer needn’t walk the thin line of distributors or manufacturers – they can take to the equally harrowing but far shorter task of searching Huaqiangbei Street instead! Of course, they also gain an attractive other benefit, though access to information.

Shield Works’ in-house engineering team is well-seasoned and bilingual, and we have over 17 years of product prototyping experience in China. Contact us now for more!

Top 5 Tips of Ensuring Smooth Communication with Your Chinese Manufacturer

It’s easier than ever to get your products manufactured in China, with resources such as Alibaba, Quora, and Google Translate at your disposal. But having a reliable Chinese manufacturer isn’t just about knowing how to communicate with them; it’s also about understanding how the whole process works and what your role is in it. Here are the top five tips for ensuring smooth communication with your Chinese manufacturer to help you get started.

1) Have a clear idea of what you want

Before you go contacting manufacturers in China, spend some time to really figure out what it is that you want. Don’t just say I want a cheap product made in China. Get specific. Look at different products that are similar to yours and decide exactly how your product will differ. And if there are aspects of your product that can be improved upon, do it! It’s always a good idea to outdo your competition.  The more detail you put into your product from start to finish, the better off you’ll be when it comes time to communicate with your manufacturer.

Find a model or sample if you can for reference. A picture is worth a thousand words, and seeing exactly what you want will help your manufacturer understand exactly what it is that you’re looking for. They may even be able to point out design flaws in your product that you hadn’t considered before! It may seem like an extra step, but it could save time and money in the long run.

If your product requires any specialized parts, make sure to get those details sorted out early on as well. If there are specific types of wood that need to be used or special kinds of metal, make sure to clarify that from day one so there aren’t any problems later on down the line when it comes time to actually produce your product.

2) Be clear on expectation and deadlines

If you’re planning to work with a Chinese manufacturer, make sure your requests are as clear and specific as possible. Make deadlines clear and enforceable, otherwise there is no incentive for your team to stick to them. If a situation arises that requires changes or exceptions, have a separate process in place (such as checklists) to make sure everyone on both sides knows what’s going on. Good communication saves time and money—two things every business wants more of.

That’s why it’s advisable to find a manufacturer with their own production facility, preferably in the same city or anywhere within three-hour drive. This way you can easily check on your products and make sure everything is going according to plan. It also means that you don’t have to worry about shipping costs and delays from faraway locations. Finally, if something goes wrong, you’ll be able to respond quickly—and save face by fixing things before they get out of hand.

3) Know how the factory and its QC operates

We can’t emphasize enough how important it is to build an in-depth understanding of how your factory runs and what your QC protocols are. A deep understanding will help prevent issues, save you time and money, as well as help you work more effectively throughout your manufacturing process. There’re so many independent vetting services in China you can turn to. You’ll find them on Alibaba or by Googling independent QA checker or independent quality control checker. You’ll also want to make sure you understand exactly who your QC inspector is and that they have a good track record of working with other western companies. If you don’t know who they are, ask! Ask to speak directly with them or their supervisor if possible. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to communication breakdowns between yourself and your manufacturer!

Although there’re many independent QC services with a history of working with western firms, if you insist on one that shares a similar cultural background with you, Shield Works has its root in the UK with years of QC experience in the industry that you can fully rely on.

4) Get someone local in China that you can talk to

Even if you don’t speak Mandarin, there are still ways to ensure you get your message across. If you’re traveling to China yourself, a translator is a must-have. But given the current travel restrictions, it is not an option to physically be there. So what do you do? You can hire someone local in China that can act as a liaison between you and your manufacturer. They should have experience working with Westerners and can translate information from both sides of communication (i.e., from English to Mandarin and vice versa). They will help bridge any language barriers that may exist and make sure everyone is on the same page regarding deadlines, expectations, etc. This will help reduce confusion and miscommunication that could lead to delays or other issues down the road.

But most manufacturers there now have bilingual team members that have no problem communicating with you in your language. if you manage to find one with a western background like Shield Works, that’ll save you a lot of efforts!

5) Keep your language plain and simple

This may seem obvious, but be sure to speak clearly and concisely. If there’s anything you don’t understand about what you need to accomplish or convey, don’t guess or fill in gaps with assumptions. If a word confuses you, go back and get clarification. Try to avoid using big words as it can make it harder to understand for non-native speaks. Keep your language simple

Remember that your goal is communication—not simply understanding what someone is saying to you. Successful communication requires that both parties feel confident they have a full understanding of one another’s intentions before moving forward on any project or task. Otherwise, confusion will quickly ensue; misunderstandings can lead to delays and even make-or-break moments down the road. The more time you spend ensuring that everyone understands each other, the less time it takes to complete tasks. A little upfront work now can save a lot of headaches later.

By following these five tips, you’ll be on your way to having a smooth process of communication with your manufacturer and start working together to create a great product. Shield Works is one that comes with their own manufacturing facility located exactly where the headquarter is, and bilingual team members as long as 17 years of manufacturing in China under their belt. Contact us today!

5 Tips For Reducing Costs On Quality Control In China

Whenever you’re sourcing products in China, it’s always a good idea to have quality control measures in place. These will ensure that your products are as strong and durable as they need to be, so that customers continue to buy them and recommend them to their friends and family members. However, it can often be difficult to save money on quality control when working with Chinese suppliers. Here are five tips for reducing costs on quality control in China.

1) Use 3rd-Party Inspection Services

Third-party inspection services will typically charge a fee for their services but will also help streamline communication between your factory and yourself. They’ll also help prevent any language barriers from interfering with communication. A third-party inspector will typically visit your production facility once per month during production runs, which means you’ll still need to conduct regular inspections via Skype or other methods yourself throughout each month. But by using third-party inspectors regularly throughout production cycles, you can ensure that problems don’t go unnoticed until after goods have been shipped off to customers. When it comes to quality control in China, a little bit of extra effort now could save you thousands of dollars later on.

2) Build Relationships With Suppliers

Your China manufacturing operation is only as good as your supplier relationships. That’s a fact. When suppliers deliver on time, meet quality requirements and are flexible when you need them to be, then you can feel confident in putting your product in front of consumers. But if a supplier flubs an order (or multiple orders), doesn’t pay attention to details or otherwise cuts corners that affects quality, it will be reflected in customer perception of your brand—and eventually sales results. Unfortunately, there’s no simple solution here because every situation is different, but there are ways to help minimize risk of problems with suppliers and still find high-quality products at a price point that makes sense for your business.  Having a solid relationship with your China manufacturer will help ensure all goes well from start to finish so as to save for quality control later.

3) Find Suppliers You Can Talk To

As we just mentioned, it’s crucial to build a good relationship with your suppliers. If you have a supplier that will work closely with you, you will have peace of mind knowing that your products are being built as per your specifications and on time. This can save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs on quality control inspection and rework if your supplier is lax about following instructions. Since many China manufacturers don’t speak English well, try to find someone who can understand what you need or use an agency or translator who specializes in working with Chinese manufacturers. Also make sure to check references before doing business with any new supplier.

4) Get Critical Feedback While Your Product Is Being Manufactured

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when manufacturing a product is assuming that everyone is as invested in its success as they are. But often you’ll be working with multiple vendors, each responsible for a different component of your finished product. Without directly collaborating with all vendors, it can be hard to spot inconsistencies—like inferior fabric or mismatched parts—until too late in production. The easiest way to catch these and other problems early on is by getting critical feedback from suppliers and manufacturers while your product is being made. While it’s impossible to ensure perfection, taking advantage of communication can help limit any mishaps during production so they don’t cost you time or money later down the line.

5) Get Involved in the Production Process

When you’re manufacturing overseas, quality control is a crucial issue. If there are quality issues with your product or manufacturing process, that means you will lose time, money and a lot of reputation. The best way to overcome quality problems is to get involved in QC yourself. A first step would be to try testing out parts of your production process at each stage before you send it off for mass production. This will make sure that whatever defects happen are caught early on and can be corrected as early as possible, with minimal cost and effort. With current travel restrictions, most likely you won’t be physically there in China. Make sure to find one that can livestream the whole process or any trusted 3rd-party inspection services to test it out for you.

Overall, quality control is one of those things that may seem small in terms of overall costs and time, but it can make a significant difference to your bottom line in both ways. It’s never too early or too late to start improving your QC. Shield Works has over 17 years of QC experience with our own professional team, contact us if you are in need of QC service in China!