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China warehouse

China Warehouse Solutions: Everything You Need to Know

Congratulations! Your business has grown so much that you can no longer handle order fulfillment and storage on your own.

You need a warehouse that provides a centralized location to manage, store, and distribute products, but where should you get one?

If want to save money and easily ship your products across the world, China warehouse solutions might be ideal for your company.

It may seem daunting to trust someone overseas to handle your most important business operations, but it actually comes with many benefits. You just need to understand the process.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know.

What Are China Warehouse Solutions?

You’ve probably come across China warehousing if you are interested in shipping goods from China to save money. China warehouse solutions are located nationwide and provide an extensive space for storing products.

Warehouses might be owned and operated by logistics companies, manufacturers, or wholesalers.

If you are trying to become a global operation, warehouse outsourcing to China is a great solution. China offers benefits within the global supply chain with its extensive infrastructure network.

They also offer distribution and shipping services to businesses and customers. You’ll be able to store your goods in China and export them to other countries as needed.

Globalization has led to fierce e-commerce competition. Warehouse service companies in China are continuously improving their competitiveness to benefit companies like yours in a hot market.

Benefits of China Warehouse Solutions

Retailers and online sellers can benefit from China warehouses. When compared to warehouse management in other companies, China is the ideal choice for these reasons:

Lower Costs

Lower costs are a big perk for China warehouses. China can offer some of the lowest prices globally because of:

  • Favorable tax policies
  • Affordable raw materials
  • Low labor costs

China’s government offers incentives to warehouses constructed and operating in special zones. These incentives lead to higher business income and lower VAT (Value Added Tax).

Compared to other countries around the world, China is known for reduced import and export taxes that benefit businesses.

If you manufacture your products in China and store them in Chinese warehouses, you can source raw materials locally. This leads to lower transportation costs because raw materials don’t have to travel as far.

China has low labor costs because operating a warehouse in the country is less expensive than it would be in other areas around the world.

China is a top choice for global supply chain management for shipping, warehousing, and manufacturing because of these tax incentives sponsored by the Chinese government.

Faster Delivery

If you are looking for business solutions that increase shipment speed, warehousing in China can help. China has recently focused efforts on improving the infrastructure network.

They are constructing modern highways, airports, seaports, and railroads that can help ensure faster turnaround times.

For e-commerce companies specifically, using a warehouse in China leads to fast and reliable delivery that meets customers’ expectations.

Because many warehouses are located near airports and ports, companies that use Chinese warehouses can efficiently ship goods to customers around the world.

Supply Chain Management

The supply chain begins when raw materials are collected and ends when your company’s product is delivered to the customer. China warehouses can help throughout the supply chain process.

China warehouses provide a centralized location for inventory management leading to:

  • Better inventory control
  • Shorter lead times
  • Better customer service

If you want to avoid overstocking or understocking your warehouse, a 3PL inventory management warehouse in China can help. This will improve your supply chain management overall.

Warehouse Management System

A Warehouse Management System (WMS) allows companies to get a clear overview of inventory at all times. China warehouses will use this software to automate the shipping process so you can track your products in real-time.

A cloud-based WMS works to ensure your inventory and supply chain process is up to date so you have complete visibility into operations even if you aren’t physically there.

As demand changes, the system will allow you to quickly and easily scale your supply chain.

Quality Control

A warehouse and storage facility in China offers the opportunity for quality inspections to be held at a single location. A central location for quality control inspections can save costs and make your supply chain more profitable.

Having a warehouse that implements a quality control program allows your business to catch issues early on and limit future mistakes.

Quality control can involve inspecting products, but it is much more than that. It aims to tighten up inefficient processes or diagnose a specific problem to increase warehouse efficiency.

Various Services

When you think of warehouse solutions in China, you likely think of storage, but some warehouses offer various services that can benefit your business.

Warehousing is the best option for avoiding a time gap between production and consumption. When you are waiting to ship products, having a warehouse for storage is essential to the supply chain.

A China warehouse will also offer retail distribution and pick and pack services before shipping. Once the warehouse staff packs and ships the order out, your customer will receive their product within the expected turnaround time.

A warehouse will ship goods to the chosen carrier and can consolidate shipping to reduce costs and help with smaller orders.

If you offer customers a product return policy, the warehouse will handle this process for you as well. Your customers will send back the product to the warehouse where the replacement process will occur.

Depending on the warehouse you choose, they might also offer cross-docking solutions that facilitate quick backorders and fulfillment. Cross docking can save time and money on product management, storage, labor, and delivery.

With this service, you eliminate the middleman, lower costs, and ship your items directly from the supplier to the customer.

Types of Warehouses in China

Coming to an ideal agreement with a warehouse involves knowing the different types of warehouses. We break down each of them to help you decide which warehouse is right for your business needs.

Public Warehouse

A public warehouse in China provides storage and distribution services to individuals and businesses.

These warehouses are owned by third-party logistics (3PL) providers or companies that specialize in supply chain and logistics management.

Public warehouses are a cost-effective option because they offer companies the ability to store goods as needed, whether that be on a short or long-term basis.

Not only do they offer flexible storage options, but they come in a range of sizes and have different configurations. There’s a high chance you can find a public warehouse in China that meets all of your needs.

Private Warehouse

A private warehouse in China gives businesses complete control over storage and distribution. They are owned and operated by individual companies for their own distribution and storage needs.

You can customize a private warehouse to meet your specific preferences. You can change the sizing and configuration of the warehouse, and layout of the storage space, and implement advanced technologies of your choosing.

If you are familiar with running your own warehouse, owning a private warehouse in China might be a good idea. You will have to spend more money on hiring staff and getting the process started.

Bonded Warehouse

A bonded warehouse is approved by the Chinese government to store imported goods before they are cleared by customs.

These are goods that are in a “suspended state” which means they can’t be subjected to import taxes, duties, and other fees.

Logistic companies generally operate bonded warehouses, so they are a form of public warehousing. These warehouses are strategically placed near major ports and airports to streamline the import process.

There are two bonded warehouse categories to know about:

  • General bonded warehouses
  • Special bonded warehouses

General bonded warehouses are open to all importers and can store a variety of goods.

Special bonded warehouses are designed for specific types of products like luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, or electronics. They offer specialized facilities and services to meet unique handling and storage requirements.

Fulfillment Center

Any e-commerce business owner is going to be familiar with fulfillment centers. These are large warehouses or distribution centers where businesses store inventory, process orders, handle shipping, and complete returns.

Fulfillment centers use automated systems to pick, pack, and ship products efficiently. The pick-and-pack method is how a China fulfillment center picks and prepares items in stock for shipment.

A fulfillment center will hire specialized pickers to look up an item’s location against the order form. They take the item out and ship it to the packing station.

The packing station is responsible for confirming the order form and packing based on the goods in the order. They will then attach the packing list and paste the delivery address of where the goods are to be shipped.

Your store can fulfill orders quickly with this type of warehouse in China to increase customer satisfaction and reduce cancellations and returns.

Shipping From a China Warehouse: Benefits and Challenges

As with anything, there are pros and cons to shipping from a China warehouse, and it’s essential to weigh them to make a knowledgeable choice for your business.

Warehousing and shipping from China come with many unique benefits, but it could be unknown territory for your company. Let’s start by discussing the benefits.

Benefits of Shipping From China

Startups and seasoned businesses can enjoy the perks of shipping from China warehouses, including:

  • Wide range of suppliers
  • Access to advanced technologies
  • Efficient transportation infrastructure

China has a well-known reputation for having a diverse and large manufacturing industry. Business owners can find anything they need in China.

With a wide range of suppliers, you have options when it comes to quality, pricing, and other factors.

China is one of the world’s top research and innovation areas. When you upgrade your supply chain by using a Chinese warehouse, your business will gain access to advanced technologies and expertise unavailable in other countries.

As we mentioned before, China has an extensive transportation network that they are continuing to build on. Because of the efficient transportation infrastructure, shipping your goods anywhere in the world is easy from China.

Challenges of Shipping From China

There are challenges of shipping from China that you might be willing to overcome to reap the benefits. These are the factors you need to be aware of to ensure maximum success through warehousing:

  • Language barrier
  • Regulations and compliance
  • Intellectual property protection

Chinese, and all of its varieties, is the most spoken language in the world but is considered the hardest language to translate by most translators.

When you work with a third-party company for warehousing in China, you will be met with representatives who speak the language you are most comfortable with.

China is favorable for warehousing and distribution because of its low costs. It’s a great place for shipping, but it got this way because of strict compliance and regulations.

It’s important to do your research on the relevant laws and regulations before choosing a warehouse. You could also outsource your supply chain to Shield Works which employs legal and compliance experts in China.

Lastly, some businesses face counterfeiting and piracy issues when shipping products from China. Raw materials are cheap in China so some suppliers might try to copy designs from other manufacturers to stay on top of trends.

When you work with a fulfillment center like Shield Works, you can monitor your products and check for any fake goods. Expert employees will guide you on how to protect your intellectual property and report potential violations.

Work With a Trusted China Warehouse Partner

Outsourcing your warehousing to China might seem like a daunting process if you’ve never done it before. However, working with a trusted China warehouse partner comes with many benefits.

Shield Works provides customized warehousing solutions to an international client base. Our highly skilled management team has 19 years of China-based manufacturing experience.

You can trust that we are the ideal choice for your business supply chain. Get in touch with us now to start reaping the benefits of China warehouse solutions.

how to buy a patent

How to Buy a Patent: Everything You Need to Know

Are patents just old papers collecting dust in the backroom of big corporations? Far from it. Patents can be potent tools, a powerhouse of exclusive rights, and the very soul of innovation for any company.

But where do you begin if you want to own one? Welcome to the complete guide on how to buy a patent. If you’ve been itching to gain that competitive edge, enhance your intellectual portfolio, or stay ahead of your rivals, you’ve come to the right place.

Patents Basics

At its core, a patent is a legal document. But it’s not just any document; it’s a certificate of innovation. When granted, it gives the holder exclusive rights to an invention, be it a process, a product, or a method.

This means that for a limited time, typically 20 years, the patent holder is the only one who can use, make, sell, or distribute the patented invention. Others wishing to do the same must seek permission or risk legal consequences.

Different Types of Patents

Navigating the world of patents requires recognizing their diversity. Not all patents are the same, and the type of patent you seek or wish to buy depends on what you’re trying to protect.

Utility patents, for instance, are the most prevalent. They stand guard over new processes, machines, and even certain compositions of matter. If there’s a groundbreaking machine or a fresh method for crafting something, a utility patent is likely the route taken.

On the other hand, design patents don’t delve into the function but focus on form. These patents protect the unique visual appeal of a product – it could be the unmistakable design of a chair or the singular shape of a beverage bottle.

And then, there are plant patents. As one might guess, these are reserved for the protection of novel plant varieties. A newly cultivated rose or a specially bred apple would fall under this category.

As diverse as these patents sound, each serves to protect and encourage unique forms of innovation.

The Crucial Role of the Patent Application

Embarking on the patent journey begins with the patent application. This is where an inventor lays out their invention in detail and  explain its uniqueness and functionality. The application serves as a blueprint of the invention that highlights its distinctiveness and sets it apart from previous inventions.

The application’s quality can make a difference in the granting of the patent. A well-detailed, thoroughly researched application stands a better chance of success. And for those looking to buy patents, understanding the depth and breadth of a patent application offers insight into the patent’s value and potential.

Why Patents Matter

Patents play a pivotal role in the world of business and innovation. They protect inventors and ensure that their hard work and creativity won’t get easily copied or stolen. They provide a safeguard, a kind of fence around the invention to ward off potential imitators.

Furthermore, patents act as an incentive, encouraging more innovation. After all, why spend time and resources inventing something if someone else can easily take the idea and run with it? With a patent, inventors get the recognition they deserve, and they also gain a potentially valuable asset.

Why Would You Want to Buy a Patent?

When looking at business strategies, acquiring a patent stands out as a unique and powerful maneuver. But what drives this allure? Why would a business or an individual delve into the world of patents, seeking ownership of an invention or idea?

Gaining Exclusive Rights

At the heart of any patent lies the concept of exclusivity. Owning a patent means you hold the sole rights to a particular invention that gives you a clear edge in the market. Think of it as owning a piece of land; no one can build on it without your permission.

Similarly, with a patent, no one can replicate, sell, or use your invention without crossing legal boundaries. This exclusivity can become a powerful tool, especially in industries where innovation is at the forefront.

Build a Strong IP Portfolio

Diversifying assets is a strategy not limited to the stock market. For businesses, especially those in the tech and manufacturing sectors, having a diverse intellectual property (IP) portfolio is crucial.

Owning multiple patents can fortify a company’s position, offering protection against potential competitors and showcasing its innovation prowess. And sometimes, it’s more strategic to buy an existing patent than to develop a new invention from scratch.

Avoid Costly Legal Disputes

The business world can be a tricky terrain, with competitors always on the lookout for an upper hand. Owning a patent can act as a shield that protects companies from potential legal conflicts.

Spotted a valuable patent in the market that aligns with your business objectives? Purchasing it not only secures exclusive rights for yourself but also ensures you don’t find yourself on the wrong side of a patent infringement lawsuit. Understanding patent rights and being proactive in purchasing essential patents means you can save yourself from hefty legal fees and potential damage to your brand’s reputation.

Enable Future Innovations

Beyond the immediate benefits, owning a patent can pave the way for future innovations. By integrating an acquired patent into your operations, you can spur further research and development. It’s like acquiring a puzzle piece that fits perfectly into your existing setup and enables you to see the bigger picture more clearly.

Additionally, having a patent can attract partnerships, collaborations, and even potential investors who see the value in what the patent brings to the table.

The Process: How to Buy a Patent

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an established corporation, understanding the process of how to buy a patent can be your gateway to innovation and a competitive edge. In this section, we’ll unravel the steps and considerations to turn this seemingly intricate procedure into a comprehensible journey.

Spotting Potential Patents for Purchase

The first step in the intricate dance of buying a patent is to identify potential purchases. This involves researching databases, attending industry events, or even directly reaching out to inventors and companies. You’re essentially looking for a patent that not only aligns with your business goals but also holds promise for future scalability and profitability.

Conducting a Thorough Investigation

When you’ve zeroed in on a patent that sparks interest, it’s imperative to meticulously examine its details. The true worth of a patent often lies beneath the surface, in its uniqueness and applicability.

A crucial aspect to consider is the patent rights. Every patent carries with it specific rights over an invention, and before taking the plunge, you must ensure these rights are both transferable and free from legal entanglements.

Furthermore, it’s essential to cross-check the patent against existing ones. You wouldn’t want to purchase a patent only to discover it overlaps with another, potentially leading to infringement issues. This can involve sifting through patent databases or even consulting with patent attorneys who can offer expert insights.

Lastly, delving into the patent application can offer a wealth of knowledge. This document is a treasure trove of information that sheds light on the invention’s uniqueness, functionality, and the potential challenges or opportunities it might present. The depth and clarity of a patent application can often be a strong indicator of its value that helps you gauge if it’s the right fit for your portfolio.

Engaging in Negotiations

Buying a patent isn’t like picking a product off a shelf. It involves negotiations, sometimes prolonged ones. You’ll be discussing prices, rights transfers, and other pertinent details with the current patent holder.

It’s a good idea to have legal counsel during these discussions. A lawyer can help navigate the complexities and ensure that the deal is in your best interest.

Finalizing the Deal

After negotiations reach a favorable conclusion, it’s time to finalize the purchase. This means drafting and signing a patent assignment agreement.

This legal document transfers the patent rights from the current owner to the buyer. Once signed, it’s crucial to record this change with the relevant patent office. Only then does the patent legally belong to the new owner.

Navigating Challenges

The path to patent acquisition is seldom straightforward. While the allure of exclusive rights and competitive advantage beckons, potential pitfalls and roadblocks lie in wait. As with any journey worth undertaking, understanding the challenges ahead can make all the difference.

The Complexities of Expired Patents

An enticing aspect for many looking to acquire patents is the potential of tapping into expired patents. However, this avenue isn’t without its challenges. When a patent expires, the protection it offered vanishes which means the invention becomes public domain.

This can lead to an open field where anyone can use or sell the invention without fear of infringement. However, an expired patent can also provide a rich foundation for innovation. One can build upon the invention, creating something new and potentially patentable.

But care is required. Just because a patent has expired doesn’t mean there aren’t other active patents surrounding or building upon the original idea.

Deciphering International Patent Nuances

The world of patents isn’t confined to one country or region. When looking at the global stage, one quickly realizes that patent rules and regulations vary widely.

A patent secured in one country might not necessarily offer protection in another. This can be particularly challenging for businesses operating on a global scale or those eyeing international markets. It’s crucial to be aware of international patent differences to ensure that your acquisition offers protection where you need it most.

Keeping Pace with Rapid Technological Changes

In our fast-paced world, technology evolves at lightning speed. What’s innovative today might become obsolete tomorrow. When considering buying a patent, it’s essential to gauge its relevance in the current technological landscape.

Will the patent still hold value a few years down the line, or will it be overshadowed by newer inventions? It’s a fine balance between understanding the patent’s current worth and predicting its future potential.

Strategies for Dealing with Patent Overlaps

It’s not uncommon to find patents that overlap in their claims, especially in sectors where innovation is rife. Such overlaps can lead to disputes that challenge the very validity of a patent.

Before acquiring, it’s vital to identify these overlaps and devise strategies to navigate them. This might mean negotiating with the holder of the overlapping patent or seeking ways to differentiate and set your patent apart.

Protecting Your New Intellectual Property

Once you’ve successfully acquired a patent, the journey doesn’t end there. Think of your new patent as a valuable treasure. Just as treasures need safeguarding, your intellectual property requires protection.

The world of innovation is competitive, and there are always those who might want to capitalize on someone else’s hard work.

Existing patents can serve as a precedent that helps you understand the areas where your patent could be vulnerable. While your patent gives you exclusive rights, it’s essential to regularly monitor for potential infringements.

After all, a right is only as good as its enforceability. Regular checks can help ensure that others aren’t using your patented invention without your permission.

Another crucial aspect of protection revolves around partnering with reliable IP protection services. These services offer expertise in ensuring that your patent remains invulnerable. From conducting regular patent searches to ensuring legal paperwork is always up to date, these services are the guardians of your intellectual property.

But protection isn’t just about defense. It’s also about making the most of your patent.

Regularly reviewing your patent portfolio can help identify opportunities for licensing or even selling rights to other parties. This can generate revenue and increase the reach of your invention.

Secure Your Innovative Edge

Understanding how to buy a patent can significantly reshape the trajectory of your business by granting you exclusive rights and setting you apart in the market. However, navigating the intricate maze of patents isn’t a journey one should take alone.

Shield Works, with its wealth of experience and dedication to IP excellence, is here to guide and support. If you’re keen on leveraging patents to your advantage, let us assist you in mastering the art of how to buy a patent to ensure you’re equipped for success. Reach out and let’s turn potential into reality.

trademark assignment agreement

A Complete Guide to a Trademark Assignment Agreement

Navigating the complexities of trademark rights? A trademark assignment agreement is your compass. This legal document holds the key to a seamless transition of trademark ownership.

Why is such an agreement pivotal? Picture this: a brand’s identity, its very essence, hinges on its trademark. Now, what happens when this identity needs a new steward?

Enter the trademark assignment agreement, a robust, legally binding pact that ensures this transition happens without a hitch. Dive into the depths of this guide, and unlock the intricacies of these essential agreements.

What is a Trademark Assignment Agreement?

A trademark assignment agreement is like a bridge. It connects the past owner of a trademark to its new owner, ensuring a smooth transition.

At its core, this agreement is a legal contract that transfers the rights and ownership of a trademark from one party to another. The “assignor” is the current owner handing over the rights, while the “assignee” is the recipient of those rights.

Why does this matter? Think of trademarks as unique symbols or words representing a company’s brand identity. They’re not just logos; they carry the reputation and trustworthiness of a business.

Transferring them isn’t as simple as handing over a physical object. It involves legal rights, responsibilities, and potential future earnings.

Situations Requiring a Trademark Assignment Agreement

Life in the business world is dynamic. There are mergers, acquisitions, and sales of entire divisions or just assets. In any of these scenarios, if a trademark changes hands, a trademark assignment agreement becomes crucial.

One common situation is when a business decides to sell a specific product line and the associated trademark ownership needs a shift. Another instance is when a company undergoes a significant restructuring and decides to consolidate its brands under a single entity. These scenarios are where the strength of a trademark assignment agreement gets tested.

Moreover, there are instances tied to personal decisions. Let’s say an entrepreneur has developed a successful brand but chooses to retire or pursue a different venture. They might decide to sell their brand, including the trademark.

Again, the agreement becomes the legal vessel ensuring that the trademark transition is clear, binding, and beneficial to both parties.

Components of a Trademark Assignment Agreement

A trademark assignment agreement is like a dance where both partners play an essential role. On one side, we have the assignor, the original trademark owner. This party has decided, for whatever reason, that it’s time to hand over their trademark rights to someone else.

Then, on the receiving end, we have the assignee. This individual or entity is about to take up the mantle and ensure that the brand’s legacy continues under their stewardship.

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of each party is the foundation of any solid agreement. The assignor’s rights must be clearly defined, as they’re handing over a vital asset. On the flip side, the assignee has to be aware of their new responsibilities and any potential liabilities.

Terms and Conditions

Just as every story has its unique twists and turns, so does every trademark assignment agreement. The terms and conditions section is where the specifics of the deal come into play. This can include:

  • The price or consideration for the assignment
  • Any conditions that need to be met before the trademark is transferred
  • Details about ongoing royalties or other financial considerations

For example, it’s here that you might find details about manufacturing processes. If the assignor made a particular product using a specific method that’s closely tied to the trademark, those details would be essential for the assignee to understand and potentially uphold.

Representations and Warranties

Imagine buying a house. You’d want assurance that the property doesn’t come with hidden problems, right?

Similarly, in the world of trademark assignment agreements, representations and warranties serve as that assurance. They act as promises made by the assignor about the status and validity of the trademark.

In this section, the assignor typically assures the assignee:

  • That they’re the true owner of the trademark
  • That they have the legal right to transfer it
  • That, to their knowledge, there are no disputes or issues surrounding the trademark

It’s a critical component, acting as a safety net that ensures the assignee isn’t walking into a maze of legal troubles.

The Importance of Updating Ownership in Trademark Assignment Agreements

When a company changes its name, it’s more than just a new sign on the door or a fresh logo. Behind the scenes, there’s a labyrinth of paperwork, processes, and, most importantly, trademarks that need updating. A legal name change might seem like a straightforward administrative task, but when it comes to trademarks, the stakes are high.

Imagine you’re navigating a city with an outdated map. Chances are, you’ll end up lost or, at the very least, frustrated.

Similarly, an outdated trademark record can lead to confusion, legal challenges, or potential disputes. For companies, this can mean wasted time, money, and energy on avoidable problems.

The Role of Assignor’s Rights

Assignor’s rights play a significant role in the trademark assignment process. The assignor, being the original trademark owner, possesses a unique perspective and knowledge about the brand.

They know its history, its strengths, and its potential pitfalls. This insight is crucial when transferring ownership.

For the assignee, understanding the assignor’s rights is like receiving a guidebook. It provides a roadmap for how the trademark has been used, any associated commitments, and the scope of rights being transferred. But it’s not enough to simply understand these rights; they need to be updated in official records to reflect the new ownership.

Think of a car’s title transfer. If you buy a car but never update the title, you might run into problems down the road. Similarly, if the assignor’s rights aren’t appropriately updated following a trademark assignment, the new owner might face challenges asserting their rights or defending against potential infringements.

Keeping Records Current

Keeping trademark ownership records current isn’t just good practice. It’s essential for maintaining the trademark’s protection. An outdated or inaccurate record can weaken a company’s legal standing if disputes arise.

Furthermore, in many jurisdictions, failing to update ownership might lead to complications in enforcement actions or even the loss of trademark rights.

Pitfalls to Avoid in a Trademark Assignment Agreement

Transferring a trademark might seem like a straightforward process, but it’s a journey laden with potential pitfalls. Just as a captain needs to be aware of submerged rocks in uncharted waters, anyone navigating a trademark assignment should be alert to common challenges.

Overlooking Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing processes can be the lifeblood of a brand. A unique method or technique used in production can set a product apart from its competitors.

When transferring trademark ownership, it’s easy to focus solely on the trademark itself and forget about these processes. However, ignoring them can lead to complications.

For instance, the assignee might assume they’re gaining rights to not only the trademark but also the unique methods that made the brand stand out. If those manufacturing processes aren’t explicitly addressed in the agreement, disputes can arise.

The assignee might face challenges replicating the product’s quality or identity which can lead to brand dilution or disappointed customers. Addressing and clarifying the role of manufacturing processes in the agreement can avert these challenges.

Not Updating Ownership Records Promptly

A trademark assignment agreement, once signed and sealed, feels like a job completed. But there’s a crucial step that many overlook: updating ownership records with the relevant authorities. Just as you’d update the deed when buying a house, you need to update the ownership records when a trademark changes hands.

Delaying or neglecting this step can create a cascade of issues. Competitors might challenge the new owner’s rights. Legal defences against infringements might be weakened.

In some cases, the new owner might even lose their rights to the trademark entirely. Keeping records current is not just an administrative task-it’s a shield against potential legal battles.

Misunderstanding Assignor’s Rights

The assignor’s rights are a cornerstone of the trademark assignment process. Yet, they can be a source of pitfalls if misunderstood.

The assignor might believe they retain certain rights post-transfer. This can include using the trademark in specific regions or for certain product lines. If the agreement doesn’t clearly define these retained rights, it sets the stage for potential disputes.

On the flip side, the assignee must be clear about the rights they’re gaining. Assumptions can be dangerous. If the assignee believes they’ve gained global rights but the agreement only grants national rights, they might overextend and face legal challenges abroad.

How Shield Works Ensures a Smooth Trademark Assignment Process

Navigating the waters of trademark assignment can often be turbulent, filled with potential legal hurdles and complex processes. However, with the right expertise and dedication, this journey can transform into a seamless voyage.

This is where Shield Works comes in. We stand as a beacon for those looking to ensure their trademark assignments are not only legally sound but also efficiently executed.

Collaborating with Innopat for Expertise

The realm of intellectual property is vast and intricate, and when it comes to the crucial process of trademark assignment, expertise is paramount. Recognizing the complexities, Shield Works has forged a partnership with Innopat, a stalwart in the field of intellectual property.

Innopat has years of dedication to intellectual property law. It brings to the table a depth of knowledge and proficiency that ensures every trademark assignment process is seamless.

Innopat isn’t just any IP expert. They’re authorized by the National Intellectual Property Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Their experience spans diverse sectors of intellectual property law, including:

  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Copyrights

This collaboration guarantees that every step of the assignment process adheres to the highest standards of precision and legal compliance.

Prioritizing IP Protection and Compliance

Shield Works stands as a beacon of commitment to intellectual property rights protection. With a reputation built on quality and precision, the company ensures that every trademark assignment process is treated with the utmost respect for IP protection.

The focus isn’t just on the mere transfer of trademarks. Shield Works dives deep into the nuances to ensure compliance at every turn.

For instance, imagine a scenario where a client’s trademark is associated with specific manufacturing processes. Shield Works ensures that these processes, and the unique value they bring to the brand, are not left in the shadows but are highlighted and taken into consideration during the assignment.

Furthermore, the commitment to IP protection extends beyond just the assignment. Shield Works partners with experts like Innopat to offer clear, no-nonsense advice and IP protection services. Whether it’s about understanding the multiple types of patents, trademarks, or copyrights, the Shield Works-Innopat duo ensures that clients are armed with the best advice.

Open Communication Channels

One of the many things that set Shield Works apart is its emphasis on open and rapid communication. Trademark assignments can be daunting, filled with legal terms and lengthy processes. Shield Works bridges this gap by maintaining transparent communication channels throughout the production process.

Clients are not left in the dark. With Shield Works, they receive timely updates, and any concerns or queries are addressed promptly.

This culture of open communication ensures that clients are always in the loop. It makes the trademark assignment process feel less like a legal maze and more like a well-coordinated relay race.

The Shield Works Commitment

At the heart of Shield Works is a commitment to excellence, and this shines brightly in the trademark assignment process. With a blend of in-house expertise, valuable partnerships, and an unwavering focus on IP protection and compliance, Shield Works offers a trademark assignment experience that’s smooth, secure, and efficient.

The Future of Trademark Management

Shield Works isn’t just a beacon in the manufacturing sector. We extend our prowess into the world of intellectual property to ensure our clients navigate the intricacies of trademark assignment agreements effortlessly. With a partnership with Innopat, a seasoned IP expert, we bring clarity to the convoluted realm of trademarks.

Protecting your brand’s identity is paramount. Trust in a partner who understands this. Connect with Shield Works today for precision, expertise, and a commitment to your brand’s legacy.

oem manufacturing

5 Benefits of Using OEM Manufacturing You Need to Know

Are you looking for manufacturing services but aren’t sure where to turn? Electronics companies and more usually outsource their manufacturing to expert facilities that engineer their products with precision. In a computer or smartphone, every component has to be carefully constructed to create a positive end user experience. There isn’t much room for error. Because of this, brands often turn to OEM manufacturing to create their components to get the best possible quality and safety for their products.

OEMs, or original equipment manufacturers, don’t just work in the electronics industry, however. Besides OEM phone manufacturers and PC manufacturers, you can find companies producing all kinds of consumer products. Practically any business can utilize OEM manufacturing and enjoy its many benefits in their field.

Best of all, when you turn to OEM for your manufacturing needs, you get the same quality and reliability that top brands rely on.

Some businesses turn to other types of manufacturing: aftermarket manufacturers or value-added resellers. These alternatives work well in the industries where they excel. But nothing compares to the precision and service offered by top OEM manufacturers, whether your company produces business electronics or consumer products.

If you want to better understand the benefits of using OEM, then you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for the top five benefits of OEM manufacturing.

1. Reliable Quality

Earlier, we mentioned aftermarket manufacturers and value-added resellers as being alternatives to OEM. But neither option provides the same level of customizability or support that OEM offers.

Aftermarket manufacturers make parts that are meant to imitate OEM-manufactured components. This often comes at a cost, as aftermarket parts are often low-quality compared to OEM parts. Aftermarket manufacturers are also limited in the level of customization they can provide to their customers.

Value-added resellers take OEM parts from other manufacturers and enhance them. They do this by adding new features and capabilities with additional components.

While VARs fill an important role in the market, they’re limited by the availability of OEM parts. VARs don’t create entirely new components from scratch, which can hold some businesses back.

As their name implies, original equipment manufacturers specialize in manufacturing brand-new parts based on original designs. This means they’re capable of building necessary components from scratch. It also makes OEM manufacturers well equipped to provide remarkable levels of customization to their customers.

OEM companies work directly with their customers. Because of this, they’re better prepared to produce products that perform exactly as their customers need them to. This often leads to sturdier, longer-lasting parts than aftermarket manufacturers can provide.

Best of all, the best OEM manufacturers are constantly working to improve the quality of their products.

2. Competitive Pricing

One of the highlights of OEM manufacturers in the competitive prices they offer. Despite providing excellent support and service, manufacturing parts with an OEM is well within the budgets of most businesses.

While aftermarket parts are sometimes cheaper, their low prices often come at the cost of both quality and customization. And when you buy OEM parts in bulk, you can save even more. You may even match the prices of top aftermarket manufacturers.

3. Faster Production

You probably wouldn’t expect the production of physical parts to happen very quickly, but with an OEM, production times can be short. OEM manufacturers try to keep designs on hand for as many parts as possible, including older parts no longer in production. This means they can often find blueprints for needed parts immediately and start production right away.

What about when existing designs for necessary components aren’t available? OEMs offer quick turnaround, even when working with original designs from their customers.

OEM companies know they exist within a highly competitive market. They’re careful to make sure their customers are satisfied with their services.

4. Excellent Support

OEM manufacturers work directly with their customers. When you contact your manufacturer, you have the opportunity to speak with an engineer responsible for your product. This means OEM customers have a wide range of technical and engineering support.

OEMs work closely with their customers to ensure each component works exactly as intended. Precise manufacturing is key, so manufacturers go above and beyond to meet customer demands.

Not only that, but OEM companies often offer excellent warranties on their products. If you should ever get a part with any defects, your manufacturer should make it right.

5. Return on Investment

The most important part of any business endeavor is getting a return on your investment. Original equipment manufacturers make it easier for businesses to turn a profit with their products.

OEM parts are specifically designed from the ground up to fit their applications. This means the functionality and lifespan of OEM products are usually excellent. As a result, businesses working with an OEM can expect to save money and reduce downtime in the long run.

Most importantly, your own customers will be far more likely to have a good experience with your products.

Get Started With OEM Manufacturing From Shield Works

And there you have it: the top five benefits of OEM manufacturing, from quality to ROI. As you can see, a business can’t go wrong when choosing to work with any OEM manufacturer.

Not all OEMs are created equal, however. That’s why you should seek out the best, whether you need OEM barrel manufacturing or are looking for a great OEM PC manufacturer.

Whatever your OEM needs, Shield Works has your business covered with some of the best features and services in the industry. Contact us today, and let’s start taking your business to the next level.

product assembly

Pros and Cons of Product Assembly Lines

Did you know that the assembly line has been around for centuries? It is technically an age-old method that is so effective we still implement its uses in the year 2021. Product assembly consists of a line of workers, each with a designated job, to ensure that a product’s parts secure correctly before going out on the market.

These products could be anything from ketchup bottles to your newest technological gadget. If you are a business that makes mass-produced items, you should consider an assembly.

But is it worth it for your company? If you want to know the answer to that question, keep reading our guide for the pros and cons of product assembly in China. 

Pro: Mass Production

Chinese assembly lines produce nearly 50% of the world’s goods and products. Mass production was one of the leading factors that brought China into industrialization in the first place. It is one of the main pros of product assembly.

Let’s say your company produces a few hundred, maybe one-thousand, products a month. By choosing Chinese assembly services, you and double, even quadruple that amount per month.

Your product numbers would soar. You would be able to meet your client’s needs more efficiently. 

Pro: Improved Profit

Your numbers would increase dramatically with an assembly team from China. These professionals would ensure that you receive mass amounts of your product as soon as possible.

That way, you can keep up steady production and re-stocking methods. The more product you have on the shelves, the more sales you will likely receive. Down the road, assembly lines will save you money while increasing your profits. 

Pro: Product Uniformity

When a product is popular, you want every piece to look like the last. People do not buy things like new technology for their uniqueness.

Many want items like that because they enjoy the design and how they look. If you create your product on your own or with a small team, there is no guarantee that every item will be the same.

However, with an assembly line, you can count on uniformity. That will save you the headache from angry client calls complaining about the aesthetic state of their product. 

Pro: Upgrading Benefits

If you compared product assembly from decades ago to where we are now in 2021, you wouldn’t recognize anything. That is because assembly lines benefit from upgrades.

Manufacturing teams constantly employ things like new systems or materials to improve efficiency over time. With every upgrade, the process improves. So, you don’t have to worry about time issues when you put in an order request. 

Pro: High-Quality Products

With Shield Works Assembly lines, we implement a quality-first approach. That means we have methods to ensure your products are of the highest grade possible.

Nowadays, most assembly lines hire quality inspectors stationed at the end of the manufacturing process. These professionals check the final products for issues like defects and deformations.

They also ensure the products look alike, so everything you order is identical. With our quality control at hand, we can identify any major flaws before shipping your products to you.

If there is something wrong, we will fix each item. That way, you don’t have to worry about receiving anything less than perfect. 

Con: Labor Issues

Assembly lines provide monotonous work for employees. As a result, it is hard to find people who want to work a job like this for eight or more hours. When people work for product assembly, they essentially stand in one place and perform one task all day.

That task could be something as simple as ensuring a machine screws a top on straight. On top of this, the buildings for product assembly present dangerous worker conditions.

Many people experience severe injuries and maiming due to machines. They can also suffer from health issues if there is dust, dirt, or mold present. That’s why it’s critical to choose a company that promises a safe and comfortable working environment.

Con: High Start-up Costs

You will spend a decent amount of money at the beginning of your product assembly venture. Sure, they do help you make more money.

But to begin with mass manufacturing, be ready to pay for start-up costs, employee labor, and factory space.

Of course, this is true of everything you begin in business. Keep in mind that everything in business takes money to make money! 

Con: Requires Strategic Thought

Never decide on something without giving it any strategic thought. That will lead to complications down the road. When it comes to OEM manufacturers in China, you have quite a few things to consider.

You want to think about things, like what materials to use for your product. You will also have to consider the methods the team implements and even the shape of the assembly line. For instance, some people prefer a u-shaped line because it adds to the manufacturing efficiency. 

Hire Product Assembly Services in China

As you can tell, there are several pros and cons of employing product assembly in China. However, the pros do outweigh the cons because you get more products on a speedier schedule.

Your company will boom once you hire a product assembly service.

We hope this article helps you make an informed decision for your company. If you require assembly services, then look no further than the China team at Shield Works.

Feel free to contact us. We are happy to answer any questions and get you started with OEM assembly today. 

contract manufacturing

Is It Difficult to Set up Contract Manufacturing?

In 2018, the global Contract Manufacturing Organisation (CMO) was valued at $92.42 billion. Business is booming, and more companies than ever are now using contract manufacturing. 

So, what is it, and is it right for you? 

Let’s find out.

What Is Contract Manufacturing?

Businesses that use contract manufacturing hire other companies to produce their products for them. This provides smaller businesses with a significant advantage.

They can sell their products on a large scale without needing the assets required to run a large warehouse or factory.

It’s the dream of any entrepreneur or business owner: Your product will be manufactured swiftly and sold in vast quantities by a contract manufacturer.

This process can save time and money, all while increasing the reach of your business. A contract manufacturer can be based anywhere, but China and the U.S provide some of the most popular services. 

The Benefits of Contract Manufacturing

Businesses of all shapes and sizes can benefit from contract manufacturing. Here are just a few of the ways it can help you:

The Hiring of Service or Labor

With contract manufacturing, it’s also possible to subcontract labor. For example, if you’re a smaller company, you might not have enough employees to make your production process run smoothly.

In these cases, you can outsource. This method is popular with many large-scale manufacturers, especially as you’ll be able to select manufacturers who are experts in your specific field.

You Gain an Operational Advantage

If the demand for a specific product is high, and a contract manufacturer can provide the capacity to meet this demand, you’ll generate more profit.

In some cases, you’ll also be able to work with contract manufacturers if you’re looking to pilot a new product. They’ll be able to test the market for you before you launch into large-scale manufacturing, saving you time and resources.


This is one of the most significant benefits of contract manufacturing. They’ll have the resources, time, and manpower to adapt to the specific needs of your product.

This means it can often get to the market quicker than you can achieve by working in-house.

You’ll also find that many suppliers offer a range of services. These can include warehousing and 3PL services, quality inspection and testing, manufacturing, order consolidation, assembly, IP servicing, and more.

If you outsource and select the appropriate supplier, the expansion opportunities are vast. Your customers will also be satisfied with more resources.

CM’s can provide high-quality testing and assembly, so your products are guaranteed to be safe and fully functional. 

You Can Enter Different Markets

As a merchant, it can sometimes be hard to trade and perform business in other countries.

When you outsource and provide contracts to manufacturers in different countries, you’ll find it much easier to sell your products outside your national market. 

It can also be cheaper to enter other markets through contract manufacturing, so you’ll give yourself the best chance to generate more profit.

You Can Dedicate More Time to Selling

Marketing is an important business. Suppose you can’t target potential consumers effectively. In that case, the quality of your products won’t matter because you won’t be reaping the rewards.

If you use contract marketing, you’ll be allowing other people to handle the practical side of your business while you focus on selling. As a result, you’ll be able to strike a better balance and give yourself a fighting chance in the market.

High-Quality and Low-Cost

Your products will be safe in the hands of professionals who can use their expertise to maximize the quality of your products. Many contract manufacturers are experts in production activities.

They can often perform this work to a higher standard than most businesses who choose not to outsource.

What Are the Disadvantages?

The benefits of contract manufacturing are substantial, but the process doesn’t come without its disadvantages. These can include the following:

Lack of Control

You’ll lose control over your production activities. If you have solid and existing production skills, you might choose not to outsource. If you’d prefer to hand-pick your employees yourself, this may also be a problem.

Although you’ll be able to select the manufacturer yourself, you won’t be able to choose individually or approve the people who manage your products. Your CM will take care of this for you. 

Potential Delivery Delays

Contract manufacturers work on a colossal scale. Sometimes, due to a heavy workload, they may not produce products on time, and your customers could experience some delays.

Potential Outsourcing Problems

If you choose to outsource abroad, you could be interacting with people who speak different languages and live in different time zones. If you’re impatient, communication could become stressful for all parties involved. Make sure you’re happy with who you’re outsourcing to.

What channels will you use to communicate? Are you happy to speak with manufacturers in different time zones, even if it’s not during your business hours? These are all critical questions to consider.  

Are You Ready to Get Started With Contract Manufacturing?

We hope that having read this blog post you now have a clearer idea of why you need contract manufacturing.

If you’re looking to hire a labor force, access better equipment and facilities, and/or have goods built, contract manufacturing could be a perfect solution. 

You’ll also be able to negate start-up costs, improve product quality, concentrate on your brand and keep up with seasonal demand. 

Contract manufacturers like Shield Works offer companies an array of different services and high levels of expertise. So if you’re looking for a reliable manufacturer and want to move your production to China, contact Shield Works today for more information.

contract manufacturing

All About Contract Manufacturing in China: 5 Tips

It’s no secret that outsourcing your manufacturing obligations can save you plenty of time and money. In fact, China is one of the most popular destinations to do so.

But, not every entrepreneur knows everything they should about contract manufacturing in China. So, we’ve put together a guide with all the details you should keep in mind.

Let’s get started.

1. You Need to Find a Reliable Supplier

As you might guess, you’ll need to find a reputable supplier before you can move forward with your manufacturing obligations. Although this responsibility can seem overwhelming at first, is not as difficult as you might anticipate.

In general, you’ll want to consider the following factors before you make your decision:

  • The size of the factory
  • The location
  • Total production capacity
  • Exclusivity

To elaborate on this last point, you should decide whether or not you want your supplier to exclusively manufacture for your business during the production process. Once you’ve figured out the necessary criteria, you can begin your search.

Keep in mind that either you or a dedicated professional must visit the actual facility before production begins. This is to ensure that the facility meets all your needs and that you aren’t being misled.

2. You Must Register Your IP

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs are unaware of the fact that they need to register their intellectual property in China. This means that you should pursue any necessary patents, trademarks, or copyrights.

Foregoing this obligation can easily become a significant obstacle for your production process if another entity in China decides to register your IP under their name.

Not only will this prevent you from manufacturing a product, but you could also run into legal issues for infringing upon their copyright. Due to the murkiness of international law, it can be highly difficult to prove that you were the original creator and owner of a particular IP.

Even after you have registered your IP in China and found a reputable manufacturer, there is one extra step you need to take.

You must have your manufacturer sign a nondisclosure, non-use, non-circumvention (NNN) agreement in order to further protect your rights. Anyone who attempts to avoid this obligation is someone that you should never work with.

3. Prioritize Quality Control

Ideally, you would be able to provide your manufacturer with the necessary information and then receive a high-quality product. But, this isn’t always how things turn out.

It’s not uncommon for you to encounter quality issues while outsourcing your production overseas. Fortunately, though, this is often a result of misdirection that can be resolved through communication.

The best way to accomplish this is to have a third party regularly conduct QC checks during the production process. This will allow you to catch issues as quickly as possible and then take steps to remedy them.

Failure to do so could easily result in dissatisfied customers, delayed deadlines, etc. Put simply, brushing off your quality control obligation comes with a strong risk of hurting your brand’s image.

4. Preserve Approved Samples

It’s not abnormal for different batches of products to have inconsistencies between them. To elaborate, the first few rounds of Chinese contract manufacturing may meet your standards while subsequent batches may fall short.

To help keep everything on track, it’s essential that you preserve copies of approved samples. This will give your manufacturer a solid reference that they can strive to duplicate in the future.

Additionally, you can use an approved sample as an index of whether or not a current batch meets your standards. If it doesn’t, your manufacturer is obligated to make changes.

But, these can take a significant amount of time to complete. This also means your manufacturer may not be able to adhere to your time constraints.

So, it’s in your best interest to have multiple high-quality samples that your manufacturer can use in order to streamline the production process. In the event that your standards change, you should obtain new samples as quickly as possible.

5. Establish an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Agreement

For those who are unfamiliar with this type of document, this is an agreement between you and your manufacturer that aims to remove any form of ambiguity in your relationship.

This means that you need to elaborate upon any minute details that could cause complications in the future. In practice, you’ll find yourself having to clearly define the color you want your product to be, the projected timeline, etc.

In fact, colors are defined by Pantone number as opposed to terms like ‘red’ or ‘blue.’

Other factors to consider include:

  • Ownership of tooling
  • Dispute resolution
  • Payment terms
  • Quality requirements
  • Certification

The same can be said about product weights and dimensions. In addition to all of this, you’ll need to ensure that this agreement is enforceable in China and not just the United States.

This often means working with a Chinese legal professional to help you navigate the nuances of Chinese law. Additionally, it’s required that you write the document in Chinese.

Otherwise, your manufacturer could break all of your guidelines and suffer no consequences.

Contract Manufacturing In China Can Be Game-Changing

So, it’s essential that you keep the above information in mind. From here, you’ll understand everything you should about contract manufacturing and can then make the most of this opportunity.

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help.

warehousing in China

The Benefits of 3PL and Warehousing in China

Retailers are always looking for ways to improve efficiency, save money, and do whatever they can to ensure their company runs smoothly. Doing one thing that can meet all three things can be difficult, but 3PL services and warehousing in China can give you what you need. 

Are you familiar with the term 3PL? Have you thought about the benefits of managing warehousing services overseas? Let us teach you what you need to know about both.

Keep reading to learn more about 3PL and how warehousing in China can benefit your business. 

What Is 3PL?

Have you ever thought about what it takes to for a product to get from a warehouse to the retailer’s store?

Ecommerce logistics, inventory management, warehousing, packaging, freight forwarding, and fulfillment all have to work together in order to bring customers and sellers their much-needed products. Managing all of that on your own can get costly and time-consuming. 

3PL is an abbreviation of the term third-party logistics, and utilizing 3PL services allows savvy business owners to outsource the important tasks we just mentioned. 

3PL allows you to outsource operational logistics. This can include warehousing, production, delivery, and more. Overall, it allows you to focus on other parts of your business. 

Many people associate 3PL with e-commerce retailers, but the truth is that plenty of companies have been outsourcing the manufacturing and shipping of their products for decades. 

5 Major Benefits of Warehousing in China 

If the idea of using 3PL services excites you, it’s worth considering warehousing in China. 

Warehousing is a big part of 3PL services, and it’s important to note that warehousing goes far beyond just storing items in one place. Comprehensive services can cover order fulfillment, inventory control, contract warehousing, cross-docking, transport, and transloading. 

Warehousing in China comes with its own unique set of benefits. Curious about why so many companies are deciding to go with warehousing companies in China? After you learn how they can benefit your company, you’ll wonder why you haven’t started using their services sooner. 

1. Work Efficiently

As we’ve mentioned, warehousing requires many different services: Managing inventory, fulfillment, transportation, and other essential things. It’s a lot of different and equally important services to manage, and doing it on your own can be difficult. 

When you outsource your warehousing services, you’re able to have one company manage everything. Instead of having to juggle a lot of different services, you’ll be able to have one company manage everything.

This doesn’t just make your workday easier. It can also help make things more efficient. Having all of your warehousing work handled by one provider means that one provider is also managing your paperwork, orders, and other important documentation. 

2. Save Money

We just talked about how much time it takes to effectively manage warehousing services for businesses. The time cost is something important to account for, but the actual monetary cost can even more expensive. 

Paying for warehousing services in the US can be very expensive. On top of thinking about the base cost of their services, you also have to think about how many people you’ll need on your own staff to help manage who you’re outsourcing to. 

The strong Chinese economy is built around manufacturing and shipping. Services in China are generally much less expensive than services in America, and that’s especially true when it comes to shipping and warehousing. You simply can’t beat the costs. 

3. Scale Effectively 

One of the most difficult things about effectively growing a business is scalability. You want to make the right decisions around growth, but there’s a lot of risks around costs when you’re a retailer.

Growing your business when you’re a retailer will require buying and selling more products. Having a glut of leftover products can take up space in your store and could cost you a lot of money. 

When you outsource warehousing, you’ll have a partner that can help you with inventory control. They can help ensure that you scale effectively and efficiently and make it less expensive for you to produce more products. 

4. Tap Into Company Connections

Are you thinking about using a different manufacturer to produce your products? Do you want to use a new shipping company? Are you thinking about selling your products in China or in other markets? 

Finding the right companies to work with can be difficult. However, the right warehousing provider can get you in touch with the right people. 

Warehousing companies work with a lot of different businesses. If you want to break into new markets or try new services, your warehousing company could help get you the connections you’re looking for. 

Instead of having to go off of anonymous reviews, you’ll be able to work with companies your warehousing provider trusts. This can be especially helpful if you’re thinking about working with other Chinese providers. They’ll understand the local markets better than you and can give you invaluable insight into the inner workings of some businesses. 

5. Benefit From Their Expertise 

If you’re focused on growing your company, you can’t spend your time worrying about logistics around warehousing. Instead of having to focus on menial tasks, let a true expert handle your warehousing needs.

Chinese warehousing services have helped small retailers and global conglomerates grow their businesses effectively. They can focus on the important warehousing work, and you can spend your time and energy on other matters. 

Start Warehousing the Right Way

Warehousing in China can benefit business owners of any size. If you want to scale your business efficiently, save time and money, and make new business connections, it’s time to find the right company to work with.

Regardless of what 3PL services you need, we’re ready to help. Be sure to contact us today so we can start thinking about the best ways to help your business grow. 

British Business Awards 2020 Finalist Announcement

The C2W Group has been selected as a finalist in the British Business Awards 2020 in the category of Best British Business, being judged out of dozens of incredible companies to be one of the Top 5 British Companies in China!

This great accomplishment is testament to our incredible staff, to our C2W family.

The winner will be announced at a Gala Ceremony in Shanghai on 29th October after the next stage of judging. The Top 5 finalists for Best British Business include:

British Company of the Year Award


Sponsored by SpiraxSarco 由斯派莎克赞助

  • C2W Group 珠海中西电子科技有限公司
  • Halma 英国豪迈集团
  • Smiths Group 史密斯集团
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance 沃博联
  • Wood 伍德

BBA website:

EN: http://www.britishbusinessawards.cn/british-business-awards-2020-finalists-announced/

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