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Posts Tagged ‘Product Development’

Five Critical Mistakes in Product Development and How to Avoid Them

The journey from a product idea to a successful launch can be exciting, but it’s also fraught with potential hazards.  Many great ideas stumble along the way due to avoidable mistakes. To increase the chances of success for your product, it’s important to understand and avoid common mistakes in product development. By recognizing these common pitfalls, you can significantly increase your chances of bringing a winning product to the market. In this blog, we’ll explore five frequent product development mistakes and how to steer clear of them.

1. Skipping Market Research

One of the most significant and costly mistakes in product development is neglecting proper market research. Understanding your target audience, their needs, preferences, and the existing competition is crucial.

Why It’s a Mistake

The consequences of skipping this step are multifold. Without a solid grasp on what potential customers are looking for, there’s a significant risk of creating a product that doesn’t fulfill any actual needs or desires, rendering it irrelevant upon launch. Similarly, ignorance of competitors’ strengths and weaknesses can result in a product that is indistinguishable from others, lacking a unique value proposition to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

How To Avoid It

Invest in qualitative and quantitative research to gather insights about your potential customers. Conduct surveys, focus groups, and interviews to test your assumptions. Additionally, analyze your competitors to understand what works, what doesn’t, and how you can differentiate your product.

2. Overlooking Product Validation

A grave oversight in the journey of product development is the neglect of product validation. This stage is crucial for verifying that your idea has real demand in the market and meets the expectations of your target audience.

Why It’s a Mistake

Product validation should be viewed as an essential mechanism for risk management, allowing developers to identify and address potential issues before they become costly errors. Employing strategies such as developing prototypes, conducting focus groups, and initiating beta testing provides a platform for gathering actionable feedback. This feedback serves as a guide to refine your product, ensuring it aligns with customer needs and preferences.

How To Avoid It

Integrating thorough product validation early and throughout the development process is indispensable. Focus on user experience (UX) from the earliest stages of development. Incorporate user feedback through prototype testing and make adjustments based on real user interactions. Prioritize simplicity and ensure that your product can be used easily by your target demographic. These approaches enable you to build a product not on assumptions but on verified customer desires and feedback, setting a solid foundation for its launch and acceptance in the competitive market landscape.

3. Ignoring Feedback and Iteration

Many product developers make the mistake of sticking too rigidly to their initial vision without allowing room for iteration based on feedback. This can result in a product that does not fully resonate with its intended market.

Why It’s a Mistake

Ignoring constructive feedback and iteration can act as a significant roadblock, hindering your ability to uncover flaws and identify potential enhancements that could substantially elevate both the appeal and functionality of your product. When you dismiss valuable insights and suggestions from users, you run the risk of stagnation or even regression in your product’s development.

How To Avoid It

Actively seeking out and integrating feedback is a strategic approach that facilitates product growth and innovation. It enables developers and product managers to make informed adjustments that can significantly elevate a product’s market fit and user satisfaction. This could involve tweaking features, resolving user experience issues, or adding new functionalities that address emerging needs.

4. Mismanaging Development Costs

Cost overruns are exceedingly common in product development projects. Without careful budget management, your project can become financially unfeasible.

Why It’s a Mistake

Without diligent budget oversight and cost management, projects can quickly overrun their allocated budgets, leading to difficult decisions that may compromise the quality or scope of the product. Effective cost management requires a detailed budget that accounts for all potential expenditures, including materials, labor, technology, and unforeseen expenses.

How To Avoid It

Regular monitoring and review of expenses against this budget are essential to identify and address overruns as they occur. Additionally, plan your budget meticulously and monitor spending closely. Always include a contingency fund for unexpected expenses. Make strategic decisions about where to allocate resources to maximize the impact on product quality and customer satisfaction.

5. Compromising on Quality for Speed

Shortcuts in development may accelerate timelines, but they frequently lead to a product that falls short of both company standards and customer expectations.

Why It’s a Mistake

High-quality products are the foundation of customer trust and product longevity. When quality is compromised to expedite development, the result can be an increase in customer dissatisfaction, negative reviews, and a damaging impact on brand reputation. Such outcomes not only undermine the immediate product launch but can also have ripple effects on future products and the overall perception of the brand.

How To Avoid It

Investing the necessary time to thoroughly test and refine a product pays dividends in the form of reliability, user satisfaction, and competitive advantage. It’s essential to integrate quality assurance processes throughout the development cycle, ensuring that every feature and function meets the highest standards. This includes rigorous testing phases, which, while time-consuming, are indispensable for identifying and rectifying potential issues before they reach the end user.

Optimizing Your Product Development Process

Effective product development is all about creating a product that meets a need in the market and doing so in a way that’s efficient and avoids wasting time and resources. Avoiding these common mistakes in product development can markedly increase your chances of success.

Should you have any queries or require additional assistance with your product development strategy, feel free to contact our team at Shield Works. Partnering with us not only refines your strategy but also enhances your chances of achieving your goals. Together, we can turn your innovative ideas into successful products.

Mastering Product Design: A Step-by-Step Process for Turning Visions into Reality in 2024

In the dynamic world of product design, the journey from a mere concept to a tangible, market-ready product is both an art and a science. It’s a path paved with innovation, creativity, and meticulous planning. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the step-by-step process that transforms visionary ideas into successful products. Whether you’re a budding designer, a seasoned professional, or a curious entrepreneur, these insights will equip you with the tools and knowledge to excel in the art of product design.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Product Design

Understanding the fundamentals of product design is crucial for creating successful products that meet user needs and market demands. Product design is a multidisciplinary process that combines art, science, and technology to create physical or digital products that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly.

The Essence of Product Design

Product design is more than just aesthetics; it’s about solving problems, meeting needs, and creating value. It involves understanding user experiences, market trends, and technological possibilities. The first step in mastering product design is to immerse yourself in its fundamental principles – functionality, usability, and desirability.

Research: The Bedrock of Successful Design

Research is the cornerstone of effective product design. It involves market analysis, understanding customer needs, and studying competitors. Tools like surveys, focus groups, and user personas are invaluable in this phase. This stage helps in identifying gaps in the market and understanding where your product can fit in.

Top Trends in Chinese Product Design for 2024

The landscape of product design is perpetually evolving, influenced by a myriad of factors ranging from technological advancements to shifting consumer preferences. Today, product design in China is characterized by several key trends:

Embracing Eco-Friendly Materials

The use of biodegradable materials and recycled plastics is on the rise. Designers are exploring innovative materials like mushroom mycelium, bioplastics, and repurposed fabrics to create products that are both sustainable and stylish.

Emphasis on Originality and Innovation

Gone are the days when Chinese design was synonymous with imitation. There’s a growing emphasis on originality, with designers exploring unique concepts and innovative solutions. This shift is evident in various sectors, from consumer electronics to fashion.

Integration of Traditional Elements

Many Chinese designers are blending contemporary design with traditional aesthetics. This fusion creates products that appeal not only domestically but also resonate on an international level, offering a distinct flavor that sets Chinese design apart.

Circular Design Principles

The concept of a circular economy is gaining traction. This approach focuses on designing products with their end-of-life in mind, ensuring they can be easily disassembled, recycled, or repurposed, thereby reducing waste.

Clean Aesthetics

The minimalist aesthetic, characterized by clean lines and a monochromatic color palette, continues to be popular. This design philosophy not only appeals visually but also emphasizes usability and clarity.

Inclusive Design

There’s a growing emphasis on designing products that are accessible to all, including people with disabilities. This inclusive approach not only broadens the market but also fosters a sense of empathy and social responsibility.

The Challenges Facing Product Design in China

As a global manufacturing powerhouse, China offers immense potential, but navigating its unique landscape requires a nuanced understanding. Despite the progress, there are challenges that need addressing:

Intellectual Property Concerns

Intellectual property (IP) protection continues to be a significant concern in China. Despite improvements in IP laws and their enforcement, designers, and companies often find themselves in a constant battle to protect their creations. This struggle is not just about legal rights; it’s about maintaining the integrity and value of their innovations.

The Counterfeiting Conundrum

Counterfeiting is a pervasive issue that plagues the Chinese market. High-quality knock-offs can swiftly enter the market, diminishing the value and tarnishing the reputation of the original products. This not only affects sales but can also erode customer trust and brand integrity.

Balancing Cost and Quality

As Chinese product design gravitates towards higher quality and innovation, there emerges a challenge in maintaining the cost-effectiveness that has been China’s hallmark in manufacturing. This shift is driven by global competition and the rising expectations of consumers both within and outside China. Companies are finding that investing in advanced technologies and sustainable materials can lead to long-term savings and higher-quality products.

Talent Development and Retention

The growth and evolution of product design in China heavily depend on the cultivation and retention of talented designers. This challenge extends beyond mere education. It involves creating an ecosystem where creativity is not just valued but is also rewarded. Companies and educational institutions are increasingly focusing on developing curriculums that blend traditional design principles with cutting-edge technologies.

Navigating the Complexities of Product Design in China

The landscape of product design in China is as complex and multifaceted as the country itself. This dynamic field is a melting pot of traditional influences and cutting-edge innovations, where adaptability, creativity, and strategic thinking are not just beneficial but essential. In this evolving market, the key to successful product design lies in a deep understanding of the user, an openness to feedback, and an unwavering commitment to continuous improvement.

Leveraging Technology and Innovation

China’s rapid technological advancements offer a fertile ground for innovation in product design. Designers have the opportunity to integrate the latest technologies, such as AI, IoT, and 5G, into their designs, creating products that are not only cutting-edge but also highly relevant to the tech-savvy Chinese consumer.

The Importance of User-Centric Design

At the heart of successful product design in China is a user-centric approach. Understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of Chinese consumers is crucial. This involves extensive research and user testing to ensure that products are not only functionally effective but also emotionally resonant with the target audience.

Adapting to Feedback and Continuous Improvement

The Chinese market is known for its fast feedback loops. Consumers are quick to voice their opinions and preferences, making it essential for designers to be agile and responsive. This means continually iterating on designs based on user feedback and market data, ensuring that products remain relevant and competitive.

Our Expertise at Your Service

Are you navigating the intricate world of product design in China? Our team of experts is here to help. We understand the nuances of this market and have the experience and insights to guide you through its complexities. Whether you’re a well-established business or just starting out, we can provide the support you need to overcome challenges and seize the opportunities in this vibrant market. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your design journey.

Product Development: How to Navigate Product Prototyping in China

What do the iPhone, Tesla, and Dyson vacuum all have in common? The answer is that all three are groundbreaking designs; they made such an impact that these products changed the face of their industry.

All these products started life as prototypes. And that’s a fundamental step to turning a good idea into a commercially successful product.

Read on to learn more about product prototyping and some of the advantages of choosing a manufacturer in China to turn your concept into a reality. 

What Is Product Prototyping? Understanding the Basics

Most innovative product designs go through a prototyping phase. It’s a bit like a test. You mock up a product sample – usually without fine-tuning or last-minute touches – and check that the design works as expected.

It’s a chance to feel a product in your hands, rotate it, try its functions, and see if it’s feasible. It also lets you know whether to add or remove something from the design to refine it. 

Prototypes can range from simple to complex, depending on what you are creating. But in either case, they are a crucial step. They help you validate your idea without investing vast money in an extensive production run. 

China, the Manufacturing Landscape, and Prototyping

Unsurprisingly, China is often referred to as the world’s manufacturer.

The country makes up over 28% of all worldwide manufacturing. China’s expertise and capability in manufacturing is unparalleled. And it’s sought after by businesses big and small. 

China has many advantages. It’s got a huge population, of course, which means scaling manufacturing isn’t a problem. And this labor market is highly skilled, with much manufacturing expertise to offer.

It’s also a cost-effective manufacturing source due to scale, high productivity, and labor costs. Plus, since China has become a hub for manufacturing, the supply chains are excellent.

In many industries, you can complete your end-to-end manufacturing process in one region of China.

This manufacturing capability has also nurtured innovation and technological advancements. That means robotics, advanced machinery, and even AI capabilities. 

All this makes China the perfect place for product prototyping. It offers the resources and the technological capability to prototype any design.

That’s true even when you have a highly unique design, unlike anything that’s come before it. It helps you test even the most outlandish or cutting-edge ideas.

Most importantly, you have an opportunity to achieve that all-important first-to-market advantage. 

Finding an Idea

Your first step in product prototyping is to create your concept (or idea.) You’ll need this before you approach a manufacturer about building a prototype. Here are a few tasks you’ll need to complete at this stage.

Market Research

Before creating an idea, you want to establish a demand for that product. If it’s something completely new, this can feel hard. However, you will always be able to research people’s pain points, which can lead to innovative solutions.

Focus on current trends and watch what your competitors are doing. If you have an established business, survey your customers to gather more ideas on what they need from you. 

Brainstorm Some Ideas

Once you’ve researched, it’s time to put pen to paper and jot down your ideas. Have some workshop sessions with your teams to help you brainstorm. Focus on your customers’ needs and how you can translate them into solutions. 

Refine Your Ideas

Your next step is to refine your ideas into something more concrete. If you have a design team, this is when you want to mock up some ideas in more detail, such as sketches and adding features and styles.

At this stage, you can seek more customer feedback; focus groups are often an excellent way to do that.

At this stage, you’ll also want to think about the feasibility of your ideas. Check their profitability potential, and compare your ideas with what’s already on the market. 

Finding a Manufacturing Partner

Once you have your idea, it’s time to find a manufacturer in China that can turn your concept into a reality. You want to find a partner with certain qualities to help you get the perfect result, and here’s how to do that. 

Create a Shortlist

First, you want to narrow the field and create a shortlist. Focus on manufacturers with specialist experience in your fields, with a focus on quality. You also want to check their reputation.

Online platforms offering reviews can help you with that. Or you can use your business network to make personal recommendations. 

Consider Alternative Approaches

There are advantages to manufacturing in China. But if you live outside of China, having those conversations can seem daunting and difficult, especially with a language barrier.

So, it’s worth looking into hybrid approaches when sourcing companies. A hybrid approach is working with a Western company that operates manufacturing bases in China, like Shield Works.

This approach offers the best of both worlds – a local, trusted contact plus an established team out in China with all the expertise that comes with it. 

Assess Each Company

Use standard criteria to compare your shortlist.

The criteria will be personal to your business as you may have specific requirements. But there are certain things it should cover, like its ability to prototype, its technology, approach, and quality standards.

It’s also worth examining what other products they manufacture for their customers. That is often the best way of establishing their capabilities. 

Ask Questions

When you’ve narrowed your shortlist, it’s time to approach the companies and ask some questions.

That will help you determine whether they have the capabilities and equipment to produce your prototype. But aside from the technical element, you’ll also want to know that this company can act as a partner.

So, establish more about their communication, customer service approach, and timeframes. You’ll also want to find a company that’s an excellent cultural fit for your business and understands your business values and priorities. 

Make Your Final Decision

It’s now time to make your decision. Costs will be a factor, but don’t make this your sole criterion. You must balance costs against other vital priorities like speed of delivery and quality.

Remember that a good manufacturer will become a partner for your business and that it’s a long-term relationship. 

Getting Started on Your Prototype 

Once you have chosen a manufacturing partner, you can start creating your prototype. Here’s what to expect and how to get the process right. 

Planning Your Product Development

Before manufacturing can begin, you’ll need to plan the development and finalize the design.

Manufacturers need a detailed specification for your idea, so it means adding relevant information to your product design, such as measurements.

The more thought you can put into your spec, the higher the likelihood the prototype will meet your expectations. The manufacturing partner can also use their experience and know-how to help you do this.

They’ll be able to guide you on aspects such as machine capabilities and choosing a specification that will improve the final product quality. 


Once you have the product specification, it’s time to finalize the materials. By this point in the process, you’ll probably have a reasonable idea about the material you want.

Still, a manufacturing partner can help refine these choices. You may even prefer to create prototypes in different materials to compare the finish and cost.

This phase will also shape the final manufacturing method used to produce your prototype, such as 3D printing, precision machining, or other appropriate techniques. 

Assembly of Your Product Prototype

Your product may need individual components made before the final item is assembled. You’ll establish that by working directly with your manufacturing partner during the design and planning stage.

This stage will often help you find ways to refine your manufacturing process to improve the quality of the product or lower the costs, so it’s an essential stage of prototyping.

It’s also a chance for you to modify the final design. 


Once you’ve manufactured your prototype, it’s time to begin the first formal testing and quality assurance phase.

That is why it’s crucial to choose a Chinese manufacturer with stringent quality procedures, as they can help ensure you have the proper checks in place from the start.

This step is your chance to test the functionality of your product and ensure it works as you intended during the design phase and will meet your customer’s expectations.

The testing should also mimic how the product will be used in the real world to ensure it’s robust enough to withstand use.

Testing a baby’s high chair for stability and weight is a good example of why this aspect of testing is necessary.

Iterative Development

While prototype development may seem step by step, it’s not a linear process; it’s iterative.

You’ll take feedback from your first production and use that to refine and improve your product. And you’ll likely do this several times before you’re happy with your final design.

Work with your Chinese manufacturing team to get a streamlined system in place to do these checks and refinements. 

That’s vital to any successful product as it will improve the function and quality of your design, ultimately making it more attractive to customers and improving your chances of commercial success. 

User Testing 

Up to now, you will have made many assumptions about how your target customer will react to your new product design. But it’s essential to test these assumptions before you plan a large-scale product launch.

So, you can do beta testing or focus group testing to get real customers’ feedback about your product. That will help you iron out any problems that could trigger poor reviews or high returns.

Customers often spot minor niggles that design and manufacturing teams miss. 

Post-Prototype: What Happens Next 

When you are happy to sign off on your prototype, your next task — together with your manufacturing partner — is to turn this prototype development into a mass-produced setup.

It might mean some tweaks to the manufacturing process to help cut costs. It’s also when you’ll start thinking about how to source raw materials and how to do that cost-effectively.

The best way to approach this stage is to run a review of your prototype development. Look at what went well, and spot the areas where improvements could have the most impact.

An experienced manufacturer will be able to add much value to this stage with their professional advice. It’s crucial you adopt a collaborative approach throughout.

Remember to monitor quality throughout.

Each time your manufacturing process changes, you’ll need to check this has no detrimental impact on quality; otherwise, your commercial product may be too far removed from your original prototype.

At this stage, you’ll also negotiate the final costs for product manufacturing.

You’ll need your marketing team to provide sales forecasts for this so that you have an accurate idea of what you want to make in the first year.

Working With Manufacturers in China for Your Prototype: Legal Issues

There are other pressing matters to remember when using a Chinese manufacturer or another overseas supplier, like regulatory, legal, or quality standards.

You must ensure your standards meet all the rules for where you intend to sell your product.

You must have this conversation with the manufacturer. It will need to be incorporated into every aspect of the supply chain before you finalize your prototype.

Working with a manufacturer that already produces goods for the region you intend to sell in is always helpful.

Some of these standards will be related to manufacturing, such as using safe materials in your product. But you may have other factors to consider, like environmental and labor laws. If in doubt, get legal advice. 

Product Prototyping: Improving Your Odds of a Successful Launch

When approached with care, product prototyping can have a massively positive impact on your business success.

It gives you the opportunity to create something truly innovative that will stand out in the marketplace. But this success rests on finding a manufacturing partner to help you achieve your aims.

That’s why businesses choose to work with our expert team at Shield Works Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

With our team, you get award-winning experts who understand your local market and all the advantages of manufacturing in China. Contact us to have that first conversation. 

Your Complete Guide to Product Prototype Development Services

Every year, roughly 30,000 new products are introduced to the world. All the companies responsible for producing these products are filled with great hope when they’re first released. But ultimately, right around 95% of them fail and disappear forever.

Some of these products fail because there simply isn’t enough demand for them. Others fail because they aren’t marketed in the right way.

But then, there are those products that flop because of design flaws that get exposed once they hit the open market. It becomes clear that the companies that created them didn’t obtain the necessary prototype development services.

Prior to your company putting out a new product, you’ll need to put it through the product development process. This will involve you doing product prototyping and testing out different types of prototypes. It’ll enable you to find design flaws in your product before you put it out into the world.

Check out our guide to product prototype development services to gain a better understanding of the prototyping process.

What Is Product Prototyping?

Your company might have a fantastic idea for a new product you’d like to release. It may have all the makings of being a super successful product once you start selling it. But you could inevitably ruin this product from the start if you don’t do any product prototyping with it.

So, what is product prototyping? It’s a process that involves taking your idea for a product and using it to put together a sample of this product so that you can test it out to make sure it works. You’ll get the opportunity to test the quality of this product when it’s still in prototype form to avoid any major issues with it once it’s released to consumers.

The last thing you want to do is mass-produce a product only to find out that it has fatal flaws. They’ll doom a product from the start no matter how innovative it might be and make you wish your company had taken the time to invest in prototype development services.

Why Is Product Prototyping Important?

Product prototyping is important for a whole host of different reasons. First and foremost, you’ll be able to iron out all the details of a product that you would like to mass-produce while creating a prototype for it. You might quickly learn that bringing the ideas that you have for a product to life might be more challenging than you may have anticipated.

But this will only be the first of many benefits that’ll come along with prototype development services. Here are several other benefits that you’ll enjoy when you go through the product prototyping process:

  • Allows you to see what a product will look like so that you can give it the most aesthetically pleasing appearance possible
  • Helps you to see potential problems you might have with a product from a quality standpoint
  • Highlights any production issues you might have with a product during prototype manufacturing
  • Prevent you from wasting time and money manufacturing a product that isn’t as perfect as it can be
  • Gives you new ideas on how to improve a product that you might not get access to otherwise

There may be times when the product prototyping process will start to frustrate you to no end. This will be especially true for companies that have to create dozens of prototypes prior to landing on one that works and checks all the right boxes.

But as you can see, going through the product prototyping process will be well worth it in the end. It’ll give you so much more confidence in the product your company is going to be putting out.

What May Happen If Product Prototyping Isn’t Performed?

If your company chooses not to invest in prototype development services, you might get lucky and not encounter any issues because of it. If your product is incredibly simple and straightforward, you might be able to get away with not doing any product prototyping.

But these cases will be very rare. More often than not, your company will be making a huge mistake if you decide not to do product prototyping. You’ll almost instantly regret it and wish you had gone through this process.

Why? Well, most products aren’t going to turn out the way you want them to be the first time you manufacture them. There will be at least a few small problems with them that consumers might complain about later on.

You can steer clear of finding yourself in this situation thanks to prototype development services. They’ll uncover these issues and let you make changes to your product so that you aren’t forced to spend the next few months fielding complaints from angry consumers.

If you choose not to do any product prototyping, there is also a chance you might release a product that could potentially be dangerous for people to use. It could open your company up to all kinds of legal action, especially if you aren’t able to prove that you did your due diligence on a new product prior to selling it.

There isn’t usually going to be a whole lot of good that will come out of not doing any product prototyping. It might save your company some time and money on the front end. But you may pay the price for this later if a new product is defective in any way.

Which Industries Can Benefit From Product Prototyping?

The simple truth is that just about any company in any industry can benefit from product prototyping. But there are some industries that will find prototype development services to be more useful than others.

Here are a handful of the industries that can benefit from product prototyping the most:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Electronics
  • Medical
  • Oil and gas
  • Transportation

But again, you shouldn’t dismiss the idea of doing product prototyping if your company doesn’t fall into any of these categories. If you’re planning to manufacture a product made out of plastic, rubber, metal, or any similar materials, prototype development services will be a wonderful investment.

What Are the Different Types of Product Prototyping?

One of the really cool things about product prototyping is that there isn’t just one way to go through this part of the product development process. There are tons of different types of prototypes that your company can produce when you’re attempting to fine-tune a product and make it perfect.

Sketching and diagrams are some of the most basic forms of product prototyping. They’ll bring together all the ideas you have for a product and allow you to figure out how they’ll all fit together.

But you shouldn’t stop there. Here are some of the other types of product prototyping that should also be on the table:

  • Physical models
  • Wireframes
  • Working models
  • Video prototypes

These days, companies have also started to use what’s called rapid prototyping to their advantage. It involves utilizing 3D CAD software and a 3D printer to bring a product prototype to life in no time at all. Rapid prototyping is great for those companies that want to create prototypes quickly so that they can get a product out into the world faster than they would be able to otherwise.

What Are the Stages Associated With Product Prototyping?

No matter which types of prototypes your company decides to create, you’re going to need to work your way through a specific series of stages during prototype development services. These stages are designed to help you both create a prototype for a product and, more importantly, put it to the test to see whether or not it works as it should.

There are five stages that you’ll need to complete with a prototype before you can declare it a success or a failure. Here are the stages that you’ll need to move through:

  1. Defining a product
  2. Focusing on a product’s features
  3. Producing a prototype for a product
  4. Testing a prototype
  5. Presenting a prototype

Most of the time, a company that is doing product prototyping will need to go through these five stages over and over (and over!) again until they’re left with a prototype that is as close to perfect as it gets. It’ll be important for your company to practice patience throughout this process.

How Many Prototypes Need to Be Created?

As you’ve seen so far, there are crystal-clear answers to most of the questions that companies have about prototype development services. But there isn’t a clear-cut answer to this particular question, and there is a good reason for this.

It would be impossible for us to sit here and tell you exactly how many prototypes your company will have to create before you’re done with the product prototyping process. It’ll depend on everything from the complexity of your product to the logistical challenges you might face while putting prototypes together.

There are some companies that will only have to create a few prototypes while doing product development before landing on what will become their finished products. There are other companies that will create dozens and sometimes even hundreds of prototypes before finding winning formulas for their products.

You should try not to put a cap on how many prototypes your company is going to create. Generally speaking, you’ll need to create as many prototypes as it takes to get a product to a point where you’re satisfied with how it looks and functions.

When Is the Product Prototyping Process Over?

Just like it would be difficult for us to say how many prototypes your company will need to create while developing a product, it’ll also be tough to tell you when the product prototyping process is over. It’s going to be a different answer for all companies.

With that being said, there are some signs that will suggest the product prototyping process is over. Here they are:

  • Your product doesn’t have any obvious (or not-so-obvious!) design flaws that could hinder its ability to work in the way it’s supposed to
  • Your product is 100% safe to use
  • Your product can be manufactured at a reasonable price for your company
  • Your product isn’t the same as or even similar to any other products that are already on the market
  • Your product serves the original purpose that your company came up with for it

It’ll be imperative that you make sure your product is everything you want it to be before you bring the product prototyping process to an end. Not doing enough prototype manufacturing could be almost as bad as not doing any product prototyping at all in the first place.

Who Can Provide Prototype Development Services?

When your company first sets out to create a prototype for a product, you might be able to put something together on your own. But after that, you’re going to want to work with an experienced and skilled manufacturing company that can provide you with all the right prototype development services.

Shield Works is a British-owned company located in China that can set you up with a wide range of services, including:

  • Assembly
  • Manufacturing
  • Order consolidation
  • Warehousing
  • Quality inspection and testing

We also specialize in delivering some of the best prototype development services to those companies that are just setting out to create new products. We can help you piece together different types of prototypes and work with your company for as long as we have to in order to ensure your complete satisfaction with your prototypes and products.

Trust Us to Set Your Company Up With Prototype Development Services

Is your company currently in need of prototype development services? Shield Works can speak with you more about the importance of product prototyping and explain everything it entails.

We can also lend a hand when it comes to all the other aspects of manufacturing a new product and make sure that you’re able to give it every possible chance to succeed when you release it to the world. Contact us today to get additional information on the long list of services that we can provide to your company.

How to Improve Your Product Development Strategy

Running a small business or start-up can be exciting, even thrilling, work. You’re in charge of your own fate, you’re calling the shots, and the success you enjoy will be your home. There’s a reason small business owners are the most satisfied workers anywhere in the country. Of course, that doesn’t mean running a new business is easy, and there’s a whole lot you’ll need to stay on top of. Implementing a strong product development strategy will be a part of these many challenges. Product development is the process of creating new products or improving existing ones. A strong product development strategy is essential for any business that wants to stay competitive. What do you need to know about improving your product development strategy? Read on, and we’ll walk you through what you need to know. 

Why Do You Need a Product Development Strategy? 

If you’re starting a new business, a new product development strategy is vital for several reasons. First, it helps you to focus your efforts. In today’s competitive market, it is not possible to develop every product that you might come up with. A product development strategy helps you identify the products that are most likely to be successful. This allows you to focus your resources on those products. Second, a product development strategy helps you to plan ahead. Product development takes time. It can take months or even years to bring a new product to market. A product development strategy helps you plan for the future and ensure you are ready to launch your products when the time is right. Last but not least, a product development strategy helps you to measure your progress. It is crucial to be able to track your product development progress and to make adjustments as needed. A product development strategy provides you with a framework for monitoring this progress. This can make it much easier to make decisions about your products.

Conducting Thorough and Useful Market Research

Before developing any new product, conducting some sort of market research is important. This research aims to understand your customers’ needs and preferences. This can involve surveys, focus groups, and other forms of market research. It is important to gather information on what customers want and what they are willing to pay for. By understanding your target market and their needs, you can develop products that meet those needs. This can create a competitive advantage for your business. This kind of research can help to answer a variety of essential questions for your business, including:

  • What are the needs of my target market?
  • What are my competitors doing?
  • What is the potential market for my product?
  • What price should I charge for my product?
  • How should I market my product?

Answering these questions will help bolster the success of your business in many ways. Market research can help companies to reduce the risk of developing products that are not successful. By understanding the needs of their target market, companies can create products that are more likely to be in demand. Market research can help companies to increase sales by identifying opportunities for growth. For example, market research can help companies to identify new markets for their products. Or, it can help to develop new products that meet the needs of their target market.

Collaborate with Cross-Functional Teams

Product development is a collaborative effort that involves various teams within an organization. Cross-functional collaboration can bring different perspectives and expertise to the product development process. For example, collaborating with sales and marketing teams can help ensure products are developed with the customer in mind and meet market demand. Similarly, collaborating with design and engineering teams? This can help ensure that products are developed efficiently and with high quality.

Test, Test, Test!

Product development is an iterative process. Testing and iterating your products can help you identify and resolve any issues or flaws before launching them in the market. Some ways to test and iterate your products include creating prototypes, conducting user testing, and performing A/B testing. Testing is vital in a product development strategy because it helps to ensure quality. Testing allows us to identify usability issues and gather feedback from users. It can also help to measure the product’s performance and identify potential risks. Testing helps to ensure that the product is free of defects and meets the required quality standards. This can help avoid costly recalls and repairs later on that could really carve into your bottom line. Testing can also help identify usability issues with the product, such as confusing controls or unclear instructions. This can help to improve the user experience and make the product more user-friendly. Last but not least, consistent testing can help to identify potential risks with the product. These risks could be things such as security vulnerabilities or compatibility issues. This can help to avoid costly problems down the road. These benefits will help you save money and lessen risk as you prepare a product for the market. The more testing you can do ahead of an official release, the better your product will become. That’s why you should ensure that testing is a big part of your overall product development strategy.

Consider Outsourcing Manufacturing

Of course, your product development strategy isn’t just about the development of the product itself but also how and where the product is made. Many businesses these days are outsourcing to China when it comes to their warehousing and distribution. Product assembly can be a costly part of the product creation process, and it makes sense to explore options that can help to keep these costs as low as possible. Outsourcing to a low-cost country can help companies to save money on labor costs. In addition, these outsourced providers can help companies access specialized skills that they do not have in-house. If you’re not familiar with the product development process, outsourcing to another company who is also might speed up the overall process. This can help your product creation process to be a whole lot more efficient. Depending on what you’re able to do on your own, outsourcing even might help to create a more quality product. The benefits of outsourcing will depend on various factors specific to your business. You’ll need to do your own research and determine if it’s the right choice for you. 

Don’t Get Too Ambitious

When it comes to product development, it’s essential to focus on quality over quantity. Trying to develop too many products at once can spread your resources thin and lead to mediocre results. Instead, it’s better to commit to a few well-thought-out ideas and give them your full attention. There are a few reasons why it’s crucial to hew in your ambition as a product developer. First, it allows you to focus. When you’re working on multiple products at once, it’s challenging to give each one the attention it needs. This can lead to missed deadlines, poor quality, and, ultimately, a lack of success. Honing in on just a few ideas allows you to be more strategic. When you’re not spread too thin, you can take the time to carefully consider your target market and what they need. You can also develop a more comprehensive marketing plan and launch your products with more impact. You’ll also be able to better learn from your mistakes if you keep your plate clear. When you’re not constantly launching new products, you have more time to collect data and feedback. This can help you to improve your product development process and make better decisions in the future. If you’re serious about product development, it’s crucial to commit to only a few ideas at a time. By focusing your resources and being strategic, you can increase your overall chances of success.

Always Keep the Customer in Mind

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and it’s essential to keep their needs in mind during product development. By understanding what customers want and need, companies can create products that are more likely to be successful. By focusing on customer needs, you can develop products that meet their needs and preferences, leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty. Your market research, as we discussed before, will be the beginning of keeping the customer in mind. Put elbow grease in to determine the problems your customers face and how you can best solve them. The earlier you can get your customers involved in your product development strategy, the better off your product will ultimately be. While developing your strategy, think about at which points in the process you can get customers involved. You may even want to consider creating some sort of customer advisory panel, to which you can show prototypes and bring in feedback. Consider this process a way of keeping the ultimate end goal in mind. Here, if you end up heading in a direction your customers don’t like, you’ll know early on. This can help you change courses before you get too far down any one road.

Keeping an Eye on the Competition

Your product development strategy should also keep your competition in mind. Especially if you’re in the business start-up world, the environment in which you and your products are entering is constantly changing. If you’re not keeping up to date with what your competitors are doing, you could release a product that no longer feels aligned with the current environment and atmosphere. What your customers may be accustomed to, prefer, or tire of will be based in many ways on what businesses similar to your own do. It’s absolutely essential that you keep in the loop with what’s going on in your industry in this way.By keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing, you can also identify new opportunities for your business.For example, if you see that a competitor is launching a new product in a market that you’re not currently in, you may want to consider expanding into that market yourself.

Keep a Long-Term View

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of launching a new product, but it’s important to remember that the work doesn’t stop there. A successful product development strategy must also consider what happens after the launch of the product. In other words, you’ll need to maintain a long-term view when it comes to your products if you want to be successful. A product development strategy that doesn’t consider the product’s life after launch risks neglecting critical factors such as customer satisfaction, ongoing product development, and evolving market trends. By considering the product’s longer lifecycle, product developers can develop a roadmap for product updates, enhancements, and improvements. They can also devise a plan to monitor customer feedback and make the necessary changes to the product. This can all help to improve the product’s overall performance. By planning for life after launch, product developers can increase their chances of building successful, sustainable products that continue to meet customer needs and preferences over time.

Improve Your Product Development Strategy

If you’re running a new business, it’s vital that you take the time to master the art of product development. Coming up with a product development strategy that will serve your business can be more complex than it sounds, but the above advice can help out a lot. Have more questions about mastering product development and assembly? Looking for more helpful resources? Give us a call anytime for more.

5 Reasons New Product Development Fails in China

New product development is not an easy task, especially for those without experience in dealing with overseas new product development and manufacturing.

It may seem trivial at first if one of these unfortunate events takes place, such as months of delay, high defective rates, increased cost overruns that don’t match initial planning and other obstacles that come up at the last minute which could lead to disastrous results if they’re not dealt with quickly and efficiently enough.

In this article, we’ll explore what can go wrong with new product development in China and how you can prevent your costly mistakes from occurring.

1. Expectations Don’t Match the Reality

The first hurdle for the new product development process in China is your expectations don’t meet reality.

Product development and manufacturing in China are complicated processes so understanding what to expect from these processes beforehand can help manage your expectations correctly.

It’s important to work with an experienced Chinese Product Development Company that can offer reasonable estimates for the costs and timelines of your project so that you are prepared before production begins. If not dealt with properly, it becomes easy to make mistakes such as ordering too many products or neglecting orders altogether – leading to either excess inventory at hand or no merchandise available at all.

2. Communication Breakdown

A major factor in product development failure is a communication breakdown between you and your new product development supplier.

If you don’t provide enough information about what you need or don’t understand what the supplier is telling them, problems will inevitably arise.

The lack of communication can lead to additional delays and costly mistakes being made. There are three main ways that communication breaks down during the new product development process.

Firstly, if you don’t know how to articulate your requirements and standards, your supplier won’t be able to effectively manufacture your products.

Secondly, some overseas clients often don’t know how to accurately interpret feedback from their suppliers and vice versa, which could end up in poor product quality

Thirdly, it could be that there is no clear understanding of who has the final say when making key decisions about the project at hand. In these cases, product manufacturing problems tend to come out later, as changes cannot be made quickly enough.

To avoid these types of problems, careful translation is necessary and frequent communication should take place between you and your supplier to ensure understanding. Also, both parties should be responsible for taking swift action to figure out what went wrong with the failed process before other problems arise. Communication should be frequent and thorough to prevent potential misunderstandings before they become problematic.

3. Design Issues

Designers may make mistakes during the process of designing a new product, or the manufacturing company in China may misinterpret the design specifications.

For example, if you’ve designed a toy that is supposed to be round, but the manufacturer misinterprets this as a square and cuts it on its side instead of top to bottom, it will not turn out as desired.

There are also language barriers that can lead to issues with the design. Many terms for a round do not refer to the same object (circular, spherical), which can confuse. The phrase “I want two circles one centimeter apart” could be translated as “two semicircles or two full circles”, depending on what terminology is being used.

If a design cannot be executed as planned, it is important to have a contingency plan. It is important to know when to cut your losses and redesign the product rather than pushing ahead with something that won’t work.

4. Poor Quality Control Processes

Poor quality control processes can result in many serious problems in the new product development process, making it more difficult to your production deadlines, resulting in canceled orders, and negative reviews of your product.

Defective products may also lead to higher customer returns due to units that have not been properly inspected before they are shipped. All these will negatively impact your business’s bottom line and reputation.

So, quality inspection should be done with special attention to prevent the inclusion of defective or non-conforming goods in shipments. Of course, getting product quality right from the start and ensuring it meets your expectations and standards will save time, money, and frustrations later.

5. Wrong Product Development Supplier for your project

Suppliers of product development services will vary in terms of costs, scales, qualities, expertise, and capabilities. It is important to determine these factors when selecting a China-based supplier for product development needs.

If you are in search of an experienced manufacturer for electronic goods when your supplier only specializes in the manufacture of home appliances, then it would be wise not to work with them due to a lack of capacity which will ultimately lead to delay or cost overruns.

Many factors contribute to product development failure in China, some of which can be controlled and some that are completely out of your control. You need to understand these factors so you can better manage them and hopefully prevent them from happening again in the future.

If you’re seeking a company to fill all your new product development needs, look no further than Shield Works. We are a British-owned and managed company specializing in providing dependable product development and precision manufacturing services. We take pride in creating quality products with consistent processes to guarantee both quality and consistency every time, so you never have to worry about anything going wrong during this process. Start your journey by reaching out today for more information and see how we can make sure that the process goes smoothly.

Is Product Development in China Up to Snuff?

Product development in China has earned itself a reputation as one of the most innovative nations in the world. But just how good are the products that come out of China? Are they up to snuff? Some business owners find themselves questioning the value of outsourcing their product development needs to China, so let’s take a look at how the country stacks up against others when it comes to producing products that meet global standards.

It is still a good idea to outsource product development to China

The idea of outsourcing product development to China may seem strange to many. Most engineers and product developers assume that manufacturing abroad only applies to sourcing parts from other countries, but there are many advantages to having your invention made in China. Chinese companies, for example, often provide ready-made factories, so you don’t have to worry about setting up the factory space before production begins. The biggest benefit of outsourcing product development is the cost savings. there are generally cheaper manufacturing costs in Asian countries than in Western ones, which allows startups to take risks they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

With years of development, China is able to produce quality products that meet international standards. Engineers and product developers think outsourcing manufacturing to China is a risky decision, since they are concerned about the quality of the products. American brands are realizing, however, how reliable Chinese companies can be as more use them for their projects.

Get off to a good start

Working with a partner who has impeccable standards and experience is the best way to avoid quality issues in the future. In spite of the numerous problems that can arise when making products abroad, you’ll want someone on your team who can spot these problems before they snowball. Working with an experienced partner will help you avoid major setbacks, whether it’s minor translation errors or hardware problems. Know what aspects of your product or business could cause problems. When unsure of anything regarding your production process, consult an expert or do some research.

For example, if you’re using a new material or technology for your product, it’s critical to know how that material will interact with other components. Whether you’re making a hard drive, an electronic device, or anything else that contains moving parts and circuits, you need someone who knows how these things work together. This can help you avoid quality issues that may arise later during production when pieces are put together in different locations around the world.

How long it takes

From preparing a prototype and testing it, to finding materials and ordering samples, bringing an idea to life can take up to six months on average. Consequently, product development timelines are dependent on various factors such as the creation of a custom mold instead of a mass-produced mold or production in China. This could result in significant changes in the timeline, depending on your design and goal. What will the timeline be for receiving your samples? It will vary based on what type of shipping you select. Ordering standard delivery is good for packages to reach you in two weeks or less; order express shipping and you’ll receive your package in one week.

But with COVID and geopolitics, everything still remains more or less unclear. It’s important to have an adaptable mindset.

How much you should invest prototyping

Getting prototypes made is often a great way to see how your product will look (and feel) and how durable it will be. It’s also worth taking into account the fact that prototypes have varying prices. If you are looking for low-cost prototyping solutions such as 3D printing, get quotes from multiple suppliers. Injection-molded parts can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Many manufacturers don’t charge their first-time clients much for printouts if cooperative desire is demonstrated.

It’s also important to consider how many products you will make. If you’re only going for one prototype, that might not be a bad place to start. But if you are trying to test multiple variables or aspects of your product idea, investing in several iterations could make sense. (For example, if you want both male and female feedback on a product before going into production.)

How to make sure you don’t get ripped off

Although you may be hesitant to send money to a company you don’t know, most clients choose to have an agreement in writing before making any payments. The agreement should include timelines for delivery, agreements for delayed shipping and detailed specifications. If you’re worried about your contract being followed to the letter, hire a lawyer who works in this area, or find a partner that has experience making goods in China. That way you can rest assured that there will be no mix-ups, you’ll get exactly what you wanted, and there’ll be less chances for headaches.

If you don’t have time to vet a partner thoroughly before entrusting your project to them, you could run into some problems, but investing your time up front into researching reputable ones will solve the majority of potential issues. From the UK and with a 17-year history in product development, Shield Works definitely understands your language. Give us a call and find out more!

Common Mistakes Companies Make With Outsourced Product Development

Did you know that 66% of companies with more than 50 employees outsource at least one of their business functions?

If you want to bring in a third party to perform a service for you, you might be interested in outsourcing product development.

Outsourcing this function can be a great way to get your products to market quickly. But it’s important to ensure you do it correctly. Mishandling the process can lead to costly disasters, including business stoppages.

Understanding the common mistakes with outsourced product development will be a good place to start. So read on to learn about some of the most common pitfalls you should avoid when outsourcing product development. 

Not Defining the Project Scope Upfront

When outsourcing product development, it’s important to develop a clear and concise scope of work.

The last thing you want is ambiguity around what your outsourcing partner needs to deliver. Ambiguity can lead to frustration on both sides and could even result in abandoning the project altogether.

Make sure you have a solid understanding of what you need the partner to deliver and that you communicate it to the outsourcing partner upfront.

Clarity will ensure that both parties are on the same page from the outset and will avoid any misunderstandings further down the line.

Not Conducting Due Diligence

You’ll be making a mistake if you choose an outsourcing partner without knowing about their capabilities. Start by researching the company and its track record. Ensure the partner has the experience and expertise necessary to deliver on your project.

For example, if you’re outsourcing to China, you’ll want to check that the company has experience with China’s product development. Your China manufacturing partner should also be transparent and dependable so you can get answers whenever you need them.

Failing to do this due diligence can lead you to choose a partner that doesn’t have the necessary skills and experience. You’ll experience significant delays, and cost overruns as the inexperienced partners try to get up to speed on the project.

It’s also important to visit their facilities and meet with their team to better understand their processes and culture.

Not Having a Backup Plan

You might make the mistake of thinking that you’re safe working with a single outsourcing partner. After all, it can be tempting to put all your eggs in one basket. Relying on a single vendor can be risky.

Your outsourcing partner can go out of business or experience other difficulties. In such cases, you may find yourself without a product and a way to get your project back on track. That’s why it’s vital to have a backup plan in place.

This might mean working with multiple vendors or keeping some internal staff on hand to pick up the slack if needed. The goal is to ensure that someone can step in and take charge if your outsourced product development team is not meeting expectations.

A contingency plan will ensure you’re meeting your customers’ expectations even during unexpected difficulties.

Not Protecting Your Intellectual Property

It’s likely to ignore protecting your IP rights when outsourcing product development. Without adequate protection, someone might steal or copy your intellectual property. Such actions will prevent you from reaping the benefits of your investment.

You might be unaware of the risks until it’s too late. You can avoid this mistake by having strong contracts that clearly define who owns the intellectual property. The contract should also state the protections that exist. 

You should also consider using nondisclosure agreements to protect your trade secrets. Such agreements will ensure that any IP created as part of the project remains your property and is not transferred to the outsourcing partner. You’ll protect your IP if you terminate the outsourcing relationship.

Not Being Prepared for Culture Clashes

Outsourcing product development to another country can lead to cultural clashes. There can be a difference in working styles, communication styles, and even values.

For instance, suppose you’re a western company outsourcing development to China. There will be a significant difference in how both cultures conduct business.

Chinese culture may place a higher emphasis on relationships. Your western culture is likely to be more results-oriented.

It’s important to be aware of such differences and make allowances for them. If possible, try to have someone on your team familiar with the outsourcing country’s culture.

You should also have clear communication channels and establish agreed-upon working hours. This will help to minimize misunderstandings and enable you to work more effectively. An understanding of cultures will also prevent disruptions to the project.

Failing to Manage the Relationship

Outsourcing product development is not a “set it and forget it” proposition. Once you’ve chosen a vendor, you need to manage the relationship. You should set clear expectations, communicate often, and monitor progress.

Many companies make the mistake of outsourcing and then forgetting about the project. This can lead to big problems down the road. You’re more likely to end up with a subpar product if you don’t invest in a good relationship with your partner.

You should be proactive and involved in the project. You should set clear milestones and expectations at the outset. It’s also vital to maintain regular communication with the outsourcing partner. 

Stay on Top of Common Pitfalls with Outsourced Product Development

Outsourcing product development can be a great way to save time and money. But it’s important to avoid these common mistakes if you want to ensure a successful outcome. By being aware of common mistakes with outsourced product development, you can set your project up for success.

If you’re considering outsourcing development to China, consider having Shield Works as your outsourcing partner. We have 17 years of experience in product development in China, which makes us confident that we can guarantee you 100% satisfaction.

Contact us today to discuss your project.